Colombia: the land of arepa’s and mazena, rain and mountains, Guerillas and missionaries, drugs and fresh fruit. A country of diversity, violence and disturbances where Christ is worshipped as one who is still on the cross. 95% of the Colombian population is Catholic, with only a small percentage of Christians. While there are a number of Christian groups that work within Columbia, it was our privilege to spend time with New Tribes Missions, who do an amazing job working with local tribes and translating the bible into their own language. We worked at a previous NTM training ground in Fusacasuga, about 1-2 hours north of Bogota, which is now a camp for school groups and church groups to use. Our ministry was to help the maintenance team with work projects around
the camp. Our mission was to complete them in 2 weeks. Our inspiration was Christ! What an amazing privilege!
Our work at the camp involved a number of specific projects: repairing a leaking pipe system underneath a building which became a rerouting of the sewage system (Yellow team); removing old piping and building a new drainage system at the bottom of the camp
(Blue team); completing a 35m section of fence around the property (Silver team); and digging a drainage system on the soccer field (Silver team with the help of the rest of southbound). It was such a blessing for me to experience the joys of hard work and being tired at the end of the day from the work! The fun part was that everything was done in some sunshine and lots of rain, mud, rain and lots more mud!!
Colombian highlights:
-Fence project & sports field ditch completion- all in mud!
-Family nights & team sports
-D-groups & team bonding
-Fresh Colombian fruit & juices (Guava is amazing!)
nbsp;But my main highlight was definately getting to know different real life missionary families through N.T.M and seeing sacrifice and service in action (how to really take up your cross and follow Jesus wherever He leads you). Although Colombia had its difficulties and challenges in regards to the projects and raising funds to buy building materials and supplies, we saw God´s faithfulness time and time again. I was so thankful to have such a blessed time with so many missionary families. Personally God took me on a journey of faith in Colombia, through the books of Hewbrews and James. Such a journey included discovering how to be faithful, as God is faithful- Hebs 3: 4-6.
Upon leaving my prayer was that the work that was completed will testify to what will be done in the future, through other missionary groups and Global Challenge teams, and that Christ will be glorified..¨we are his house, if we hold onto our courage and the hope of which we boast¨ (vs. 6b). Amen!