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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


The past month I have been traversing round the great land of the east and I have thoroughly enjoyed the culture, the challenges with the language (become quite good at the art of charades I might add!), and the beautiful countryside. Although it has been a very challenging leg of our journey in terms of team dynamics, I have learnt a lot and grown through these situations, both personally and in my faith with the Lord.

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Guat’s up?

Guat’s up?
Ministering in a country that is of catholic belief, Mayan culture, a heritage of witchcraft and Satanism, idol worship and practises, generational curses and spiritual warfare, in Spanish and local dialects is quite confronting at first. n But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of authority through the Spirit. In Luke 10:19 Jesus says to his disciples- “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome, all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you…”As a team we learnt and developed in our authority in and through the Spirit and...
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Born to be a Peruvian Kingdom builder!

Greetings friends and family from Panajachel Guatemala! We have begun our next ministry stage in a new country, and although we have only been here a couple of days, Guatemala is one cool place! Lake Atitlan on which Panajachel lies, is surrounded by beautiful mountains and even a couple of volcanoes, waiting to be explored I might add! I am so excited for what God has in store for me and working through me here in Guatemala, and I’m looking forward to learning and growing in all areas of my faith through different teachings from the local pastor, working projects and building team relationships. We shall be working in smaller groups on different projects in the area, with the intention to rebuild /fix / relocate a number of homes that have been affected by recent mudslides, which are very regular occurrences in this area.

Reflecting on the last month it is with great joy that I wrote this blog and share about my time and experiences in Peru!

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Working Colombian style!


Colombia: the land of arepa’s and mazena, rain and mountains, Guerillas and missionaries, drugs and fresh fruit. A country of diversity, violence and disturbances where Christ is worshipped as one who is still on the cross. 95% of the Colombian population is Catholic, with only a small percentage of Christians. While there are a number of Christian groups that work within Columbia, it was our privilege to spend time with New Tribes Missions, who do an amazing job working with local tribes and translating the bible into their own language. We worked at a previous NTM training ground in Fusacasuga, about 1-2 hours north of Bogota, which is now a camp for school groups and church groups to use. Our ministry was to help the maintenance team with work projects around the camp. Our mission was to complete them in 2 weeks. Our inspiration was Christ! What an amazing privilege!  

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Building relationships in Brazil- how hard can that be?!

Hola friends and family! Greetings from Columbia!

Our team is currently helping with maintenance work at a New Tribes Mission camp in Fusagasuga, just over an hour from the capital of Bogotá. We have been here a week now and although the work has been physically tough and demanding, I have loved every minute of it! God has really blessed our teamin providing  this opportunity to be a part of the ministry here. We finish up in Columbia in just over a week and are prayerfully considering how to get down to Peru for our next ministry service place, where we will stay for the  month of May.

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Onwards and upwards….South Africa to Brazil

On Sunday 6th March the Southbound team departed South Africa for Brazil, via Doha. We are currently in the humid city of Ubatuba, working under the ministry and guidance of Agape Church Ministries. Although we have been invited to stay here till the end of March, we are awaiting further instruction from ‘On High’ in regards to a ministry opportunity in Natal, Northern Brazil.

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It's all about the lifestyle...

Greetings friends and family from sunny Jeffrey's Bay, South Africa! It's about time I wrote another blog so here we go!

 Southbound team 2011

What an amazing privilege to be a part of the Global Challenge team! Thankyou to all my supporters with their love, financial and especially prayer support during the past few months in getting me here- without you I would not be doing this year with God so thankyou so much!

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The journey begins...

ErinHi there folks- so this is my first blog and I thought I would introduce myself! Most people call me Ez, and I am from Melbourne Australia. I am 24, love God, music, travelling and doing anything outdoors, especially hiking!

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