The Three Musketeers: Pieter, Shanine & Estelle embarked on our first challenge at 5am this morning. We had to dig for a liter of cola in the sand on the beach and down it as quickly as possible, after which some of us did not feel too well... ;) We packed our luggage tried to strategise about our tasks for the challenge and had a lovely breakfast. We received money to aid us in our challenge, but we also have to raise R100 each. We ventured into the location on a search for our beloved road buddy, but was unable to find her as if yet. We jumped and wiggled ourselves into wetsuits from the Billabong factory store and took an awesome picture posing like surf hero's from the 60'ies. We have received random donations, help, love and advice everywhere along the way. We are having so much fun, it feels like we are at the best
amusement park ever! We got a lift with Oom Billy and he also offered to pick us up from "Papies Fontein" where we will have an awesome horse ride on the beach. Oom Billy will take us to a farm where we can milk a cow and also pick up our beloved road buddy, which is a full grown chicken. We made a fire from flint and magnesium and then unraveled the 5 way guarantee from Cape Union Mart and then had to memorize and recite them to Waldo. We prayed for Terry for employment & built a human statue in front of pick & pay. We had the privilege to meet and spend time with Tannie Esther and Oom Kobus whilst helping them to do their grocery shopping. They were a real blessing to us and also donated some money to us. We really enjoyed sharing Gal 5:22 with them as well as with Simpiwe who said that out of all the fruit he likes love the most and that he really loves Jesus. We bought 1 liter of Amasi and really can't wait to down that in 1 minute, especially seeing that one of our infamous musketeers are
lactose intolerant. We also look forward to having a ball at the super tube as we slide down fountains of living water. We have a hole itinerary planned for when we adventurously arrive in PE later today. Thumbs up for the rest of our adventure! All for One and One for All!
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