What an amazing experience! I have to confess that my day started out on a really low note, definitely a bass 2 ;) However, as soon as we entered the garden tomb it was as if I did not have a choice but to bubble and burst with jubilation. It’s as if one’s spirit and soul just automatically want to bounce around (much, much more than the energizer bunny!) and almost can’t be contained. Even thinking about it now lifts my spirit with joy!
Jesus’ Tomb - He is not here, for He has risen.
We were so privileged to visit the site where archeologists and historians speculate Golgotha as well as Jesus’ tomb to be. We read scriptures from the Bible, prayed together and sang at the very place where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected!!!
Amazing love, how can it be That You, my King, should die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true It’s my joy to honor You In all I do, I honor You
Christ is arisen !
Joy to the Mortal One,
"Whom the unmerited,
Clinging, inherited
Needs did imprison.