Then Anna-Marie phoned me and asked me if I would consider leading work your way this year. I told her, in a almost arrogant way, that Anthony already asked me a month ago and that I already said no to him because my mind is pretty much made up for CPX, but I will still pray about it just to make sure.
I don’t know what happened but after a few days of praying I found myself at a place where I just couldn’t stop thinking about work your way, I started planning all kinds of things for the year in work your way. Then I will stop myself and force myself not to think about it and force myself to concentrate on CPX because that is what I really want to do.
I just couldn’t stop thinking or planning stuff about work your way, no matter how hard I tried.
It was if God just came and shifted my mind in the work your way direction.
Then I realized… I just have to do this!
I phoned Anna-Marie on the 27th Dec and told her that I will lead the team.
Suddenly I realized that all my plans and arraignments must change very quickly and that I must contact all my supporters to tell them that my plans changed. It was a bit of a humiliating experience to tell everybody that my plans changed because it feels like I don’t know what I am doing and I am just an idiot running around in circles.
Well the truth is I don’t know what I am doing… I am just following God but I am pretty sure He knows what he is doing.
It wasn’t very fun saying goodbye to my family that quickly because I thought I still had some time left with them.
nA week later I am in Jeffrey’s getting ready for the teams to arrive for training
I am so excited about the year and I just can’t wait to meet my team!
Well I always pray and ask God to let His will be done in my life, and by His grace He did.
So please friends and family pray for me this year because I know I can’t do this. But with God leading me and giving me wisdom, everything is possible.