And just like that we were saying our good bye's and getting on a plane, watching South Africa disappear beneath us and bidding it farewell for the next 8 months. Hidden World is officially in the nations.

It still seems unreal to us. 8 weeks ago we couldn't imagine ourselves sitting on the roof of a hostel in Istanbul overlooking the Ayasophia and Blue Mosque just as the sun goes down, yet here we are having explored as much of Istanbul as possible and having eaten enough free Turkish Delight in the markets to not have to spend money on lunch as well as spending quality time together as a team.

After an overnight bus trip we arrived at the first place we were able to get our hands dirty at - a "guest house" in a quaint little village located just outside the main city. This city is home to 4 000 000 people of which only 400 are believers. That means the chance of meeting a believer in the streets are 1:10 000. We were lucky enough to meet at least 150 of these believers at an underground worship evening that our hosts took us to. It was such a wakeup call because we have such freedom to praise God whenever and how ever we please, but we often take that for granted and don't realize how blessed we are to be able to do so. Turkey has truly stirred up a lot of things inside us.

Our team mates have so quickly become family. From caring for team mates who were ill (all over the tram in Istanbul might i just add), to our long chats around the dinner table which often lead to late nights, to the friends we have made along the way and the quality time we have been able to spend with Jesus - we are one very blessed, very happy family.

We are grateful for all the prayer and support that our friends and family are sending our way. Please pray for good health as some of our team mates are getting ill as well as for finances for those who have not yet paid their full amounts. We have just under 2 weeks left in Turkey before heading to Macedonia to serve the refugees and we ask that you keep the Syrians in your prayers. It is an issue that has become very close to our hearts.

Follow this link to check out some photos of our adventures:

Hidden World Photo Album

And be sure to like our Facebook page - Hidden World 2016 - as well as follow us on Instagram - hiddenworld2016

All our Love

Hidden World x