"What we do, does not define who we are. What defines us is how well we rise after falling." It has been a while since I've seen words come to life in such an inspiring way. Rwanda is a beautiful chapter in this journey. So beautiful that there aren't any words to truly express how much influence it has had in my own thoughts and especially my relationship with our beautiful Saviour. I look forward to more chapters with you in it. You have taught me so much. Not only about your people but also about myself. I loved spending...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Thailand!! Wow it's an incredible place! Filled with beauties that only seeing in person can be understood! It definitely lives up to its phrase "the land of smiles" everyone here is just amazing. This country is special for me! We started in Bangkok just relaxing at the hostel for a few days doing some important paperwork and then we get too that we are doing our Luke 10 in Chiangmai ! So now I'm really excited ! We get given our teams and then we get ready! We took a 10hour bus ride to Chiangmai to a church where we were...
If I were to ask you to think of the most favorite gift you have ever received, what would your answer be? I am sure you have quite a few just like me but if I were to name but one it would be my time in Spain. I was given the immense privilege to not only give a gift but to receive one much greater than I myself could have hoped for. Our adventure started in Tarifa. A quaint little seaside town overlooking the glorious mountains of Morocco. Coming from a country where Christianity and Bibles are...
I have learnt a lt this year. I learned that things don't always turn out the way you planned, or the way you think it should. And I've learned that there are things that go wrong that don't always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before. I've learned that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones. This year wasn't always pretty. It wasn't always comfortable. Some things and situations even break your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you - it should change you. It leaves marks on your...
Good day! Since we have arrived we have been given so much it actually frustrated me. I caught myself praying for a road to build. God really sent us to such a serving community to show us what it means. It is sacrificial. We had to find secret ways to avoid getting served more tea by none other than those who were stripped from all they had. Their family sits in the other room waiting to eat the food we are cannot manage to finish. The Middle Eastern culture is now of my favorite. It seems like a life time...
ÂÂ ÂÂ We started Peru off in Iquitos. This is a town in the middle of the Amazon! How did we get there? Well there are no roads to Iquitos only rivers to Iquitos. So your options are boat or plane. We opted to go for a 3 day upriver boat trip from Leticia Colombia.ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â This boat trip was so special! We slept in hammocks had no team activities, the boat cooked for us and sailed us up stream for 3 glorious days. We had our meals served to...
When I first laid my eyes on you and the rolling hills you sat upon. I thought what amazing luck I have that God had created such beautiful things and gave me the eyes to see them. I am forever changed by your existence. You are a place filled with so many stories and I feel so privileged to share some of these stories with you. I can't think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again....
Why do we make life so complicated? Why do we so easily make mountains out of mere ant hills? It is not supposed to be this difficult and I dare say it is rather tiring to worry about everything all the time. My stay in Egypt these past two weeks has been a time of growth and transformation. Firstly I would like to mention that all the pictures I have seen, all the history that I have read and heard throughout my years of study about this wonderful place, I could have never imagined it to be so...
Adventure is knocking at my door and it is almost time to respond by flinging this little door of mine wide open. Reflecting back on the past six weeks of training I am humbled by the grace of God and His undeniable faithfulness. What a journey it has been thus far, an adventure in itself. So far I have enjoyed every moment with my team, volunteers and leaders (even the less favorable ones like being out in the elements or walking barefoot for several hours). The Transkei brought along rain showers and plenty of learning opportunities. From Kids Ministry, painting,...
And just like that we were saying our good bye's and getting on a plane, watching South Africa disappear beneath us and bidding it farewell for the next 8 months. Hidden World is officially in the nations. It still seems unreal to us. 8 weeks ago we couldn't imagine ourselves sitting on the roof of a hostel in Istanbul overlooking the Ayasophia and Blue Mosque just as the sun goes down, yet here we are having explored as much of Istanbul as possible and having eaten enough free Turkish Delight in the markets to not have to spend money on...
Day 40: The locals seem to have grown accustome to my presence and have accepted me as one of there own. Thoughts of my previous life have started to fade and words like 'patient', 'dentures' and 'medical aid' are rearly spoken. Instead my days are filled with spontanuous 'adventures' such as being abandoned in the bush for days and having to compete for food or being told to 'build a road' with no actual knowledge of what a road consists of (a fact that I have yet to admit to my new family). Despite the pressures of my new...
Names are not always what they seem. For most of us it means identity and belonging. The identity that names give speak of description, which in most cases leave the negativity of prejudice and pride behind and also often leads us to form a stereotype. During my stay in Macedonia I was introduced with the thought that people and places are more than just a name. Macedonia for instance, may be known for it's rich history and important people, but for me Macedonia is like a good find in an antique store...timeless and...
The Hidden World Guide to Central America: Step 1 First, you're going to need to take a leap of faith and fly to Mexico with no contact and no plan. There you will meet an immigration officer who just so happens to be a pastor of a great big church. Wait for the invitation, and off you go to Mundo de Fe Cancun where your host, a complete stranger, will welcome you and your team of 11 to live with him and his family for 2 weeks. In this time you can expect to get very little sleep...
Panama is definately one of my top countries that I wanted to re-visit after last years journey through Latin America. I didn't think I would be able to come back so quickly but wow what a privilege. I can think of many reasons to rush back to Panama; the beautiful rainforrest of Gamboa, staying right on the Panama Canal, sloths, tucans, anteaters and iguanas roaming the streets but the real reason I wanted to go back was for the people of Gamboa Union Church especially Pastor Bill. God did so much in my heart in Panama last year...
God is so real. He is so present. He goes before me in every situation. He holds my heart in the palm of His mighty hand. What else can I do but worship the King of kings? ÂÂ Through Colombia, Peru and Chile I just realized again how much God loves me and how much He longs to be with me. I missed home more than ever in Colombia and Peru but after lots of prayer, God changed my heart. And I know now that God has something amazing instore for me in this last few days! ÂÂ I really...
 Peru is divided in three different climates: Rainforest, dessert & Ocean and mountains - the Andes. We spent one month in Peru. As well as different the climates are so are the people and the ways people live. In no other country we had so many ministry opportunities. I remember one day in one of the villages in the Andes: 3 School visits, later children programm in a park and then in the evening evangelism in a public place. That's a good example of how packed the time in Peru was. Additional it was cold, we couldn't sleep much...
This whole Global Challenge has been tough. I've really been struggling to fit into my team and to find my purpose. I spoke to my leader and she said a few things that was needed, but I want to tell you about two things. Fitst she said that you're value is not in your purpose, it is in who you are. Second thing is that we are not human doings, we are human beings. I am not going to elaborate on that, but think about it. Anyway, continuing. It went really bad with my emotional and spiritual state. I started...
I do not think there are many words to express the beauty and magnificence of Morocco, nor can it be fully explained to someone who has not seen or experienced it for themselves. I do however believe words have a lot of power when it is used in the right way. Words can change even the smallest perspective and I believe we are the ones who can say them. I will attempt to give you but a glimpse of what I experienced here, not only of God's love for us but His adoration for the people who have not...
Israel - the Holy Land. The land overflowing with milk and honey. The very first nation we encountered. With a lot of faith and no set plan we arrived at Ben Gurion in the early hours of the morning. This was it. Too late to look back, too soon to say what lay ahead. We just knew it was going to be a grande adventure with Jesus. And it was. Sleeping on the rooftop of a hostel with the most incredible view of Jerusalem, spontaneously dancing at the Western Wall - we did it all. All that the city had...
Wait! What? This is not about me? So I am selfish. Done. That's it. What else is left to say? Listen to this sentence - it tells you values that Global Challenge decided on. We share the Good news to a world in need. Guess what I concentrated on. Yup, good guess! The 'we'-part. Luckily I can promise you this: God will reveal unto you if in anything you are otherwise (than what He wants) minded (Phil 3:15). Because He is faithful to His word, He came to show me how absolutely selfish I am. I started realizing how...
New year...new beginnings Second last week of training and with it one week left I can honestly say that I am not ready yet. Rewind on all the weeks of training and learn everything again. That said I don't think I will ever be ready for a privilege like this. Going out into the nations and speaking His love over them...I'm wonderstruck. These past weeks I have learned to know and feel God in the stillness but also in the storm. I have learned that He calls me beautiful (Song of Solomon 2:10) and that He loves me with...
Morocco welcomed us with a night at the airport where we had to sleep through the sound of hammers and chisels ceaselessly building away on a new part of the airport. In Marrakech we stayed over for two nights. The vibrancy and colours of the markets overwhelmed and mesmerised. Rooftop views and coffees became a frequent enjoyment as well as prayer walks through the mazed streets. In the mornings we watched the sun rise over Marrakech and prayed together there. Fes was our next destination, once we got there after a long bus ride we were graciously scammed...
You never know what you can live without until you have to carry everything in one bag on your back -JS This week has been the craziest and probably most frustrating time of my entire life, we didn't get our Macedonia visas and had to come to Israel earlier. I have never felt the need to make notes of what happens to me until I experienced this week and knew I had to tell you guys all about it. I am currently sitting in my tent and decided I HAVE to write. Everything I am using now fits into my...
To get from Marrakech to Fes we had to take a long bus ride. The plan was to take the bus, arrive at the bus station in Fes, get connected to the Internet and let Mustafa from the hostel know we've arrived as arranged. Upon arriving at the bus station there he was - Mustafa was waiting for us, welcoming us with such overeagerness it was convincing. Being confident this was it we followed Mustafa, got in a cab and next thing we found ourselves in very fancy hostel. Beautiful patterns lined the walls of the Riad and comfortable couches...
India. Â Our last country. The final stretch. Â India was challenging to our team in many ways. Besides the fact that the people worship cows, meaning cow pies were everywhere, and don't appreciate hygiene at all, there were worse things happening. Â You see India is like a battlefield. Like a war zone. You either suit up, or you get hurt. The places we visited during our time there were all places where you couldn't let your relationship with God slip. Â We started off in Delhi, wow, what a city. People and cattle walk side by side. Hindu...
One month ago, we sat/lay on the floor of Ben Gurion Int. Airport not knowing what to expect from Israel and having no idea what lay ahead. Today we sit in the same airport, wearing the same clothes as when we arrived (washed, of course) but our hearts are completely changed. To put our Israel experience into words would be a great injustice as there are not nearly enough words in the English vocabulary to explain each one in detail. Israel in a nutshell from each one of our teammates looks a little something like this: David...
Since being in Colombia I often asked myself how do I love other people? Out of a society where everybody looks for their own interests and tries to get the best out of everything I didn't know how to love others. I know God loves us so much that He gave His son for us and how Jesus loved other people way back in the past. But how does it look like today? So I went and sought God for it to show me how to do it and for opportunities to put the theoretical knowledge into actions. God...
Karibo Kenya! This Swahili word, 'Karibo' greeted us all along our journey along with warm smiles and hearty handshakes. Kenya was kicked off by crossing borders on foot and spending the night at the police station - FOR FREE! We pitched our tents and enjoyed one of many meals to follow of 'ugali' (mieliepap). The following day we embarked on our journey across country via the Mojale Star. As sophisticated as this sounds, it turned out to be a bus loaded with dust and broken seats. This journey was an all-nighter and early the next morning we arrived in...
How big is the probability to go to a country not knowing where to go, where to sleep, what to eat, what to do, but finding everything prepared?! That's exactly what happened to us in Mexico. Gracias Señor - Thank you Lord! We believe in God and not in probabilities, God had everything prepared, the whole 2 weeks in Mexico seemed like a present, showing just a drop of God's amazing love. So many times we got invited to eat in restaurants, people of the church were bringing us so much food that in the end was enough left to...
Arriving at ouwer first country with so low expectations thinking that we will probably be camping ouside the church dew ro lack of rooms but was so seprised to find us sleeping in warm beds(no one expected that) but the beds was not the onley things that was so warm the hospitality of the loving people that live here was overall the best experience of all welcoming us with open arms showering us with love and blessings making us veel so inportant to them appreciating everything big and small thing we do and blessing us with so much FOOD but...