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Visa oder kein Visa, das ist hier die Frage...

Was wuerdest du tun, wenn du dein Visa beantragen wuerdest und die Botschaft dir das Visa verweigern wuerde? Wuerdest du es nochmals versuchen? Oder gar ein drittes und viertes mal? So jedenfalls haben wir es gemacht, als wir uns von Gott nach Bolivien gefuehrt gefuehlt haben. Hier eine Zusammenfassung dieser fuer mich so unglaublich lehrreichen Story: Angefangen hat alles in Lima Peru, wo der Botschafter persoenlich uns empfangen hat und gesagt hat das die Papiere in Ordnung seien, er uns das Visa aber nicht geben kann, weil wir zuvor nach Chile reisen wuerden. Als wir dann in Chile in der...
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Humbling Revelations

Humbling Revelations
Humbled. Silent. Humbly silent. In the busyness of Peru, we still had the privilege of being given time to climb Machu Picchu. Three years of excitement stored up for this moment, I was ready to go - not even the 2000 death steps we had to climb to get to the top could dull the excitement buzzing in me. When we got to the top, we were greeted by thick mist and could hardly see what was in front of us. Trying to stay positive and accepting the fact that I wouldn't get good photos, I stared at the mist...
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Lyrics from my heart

God is so real. He is so present. He goes before me in every situation. He holds my heart in the palm of His mighty hand. What else can I do but worship the King of kings?   Through Colombia, Peru and Chile I just realized again how much God loves me and how much He longs to be with me. I missed home more than ever in Colombia and Peru but after lots of prayer, God changed my heart. And I know now that God has something amazing instore for me in this last few days!   I really...
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Always a student...

Wow time really has been a great time with priceless moments and special encounters with Jesus. Colombia, these hands belongs to you God. I've experienced the healing hand of God once more, where God taught me the very important lesson to let people help me and that stubborness is a barrier to healing. Amazon boat trip, discovery 101 What is love?? What does it look like?? How do i practically show love??  My security, where do I put my security?? Pink dolphins?? What??  These where the questions I had with stepping on the boat... It was quite a personal journey...
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For my power is greatest when you are weak

  Peru is divided in three different climates: Rainforest, dessert & Ocean and mountains - the Andes. We spent one month in Peru. As well as different the climates are so are the people and the ways people live. In no other country we had so many ministry opportunities. I remember one day in one of the villages in the Andes: 3 School visits, later children programm in a park and then in the evening evangelism in a public place. That's a good example of how packed the time in Peru was. Additional it was cold, we couldn't sleep much...
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Learning to Love

Since being in Colombia I often asked myself how do I love other people? Out of a society where everybody looks for their own interests and tries to get the best out of everything I didn't know how to love others. I know God loves us so much that He gave His son for us and how Jesus loved other people way back in the past. But how does it look like today? So I went and sought God for it to show me how to do it and for opportunities to put the theoretical knowledge into actions.    God...
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"You've changed." One sentence that people either yearn to hear, or dread to accept. As people our tendency is, it seems, to fear change. One will always claim to be 'embracing' change but the reality is actually that their inner being is still trying to defend and hold on to whatever it is has that has supposedly 'changed'. I mean we're perfect right? Why would we need or want to change? Most believers will tell you how God changed their heart. Myself included. I'm talking about a complete transformation, a revolution of the highest caliber. Pride shattering, character building, grace...
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Jesus my teacher

So Mexico was an absolute blast!! From eating taccos for breakfast, lunch and dinner to spending a day on the most beautiful beach. God came and showed me about healing and how He heals people in such powerful ways. Then luke 10 was on our to do list! What an amazing experience! God prepared the way for us and we served people and shared God's love. After that it was Guatemala for a few days and of course we stayed at the firehouse.. It brought back so may memories from home.Travel challenge 5 days 5 counties!! The piggy squat had...
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In which reality do YOU choose to live

During the last 42 days I experienced so much of God, Words can't even begin to explain the goodness of our God. For Mexico I was holding  on to the promise that God gave us earlier  in the year. Promising that He will provide a host for us and a place where we can serve and walk in His will. Now keep in mind that we are on a $2 budget for central America for everything!! This means trusting God not 98% not 99.99% but 110%. This was the decision I made to trust God, with everything completely. So let...
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What rhymes with Panama?  Mama. And what rhymes with mama? Snacks and toiletries.    139 days after hugging our moms goodbye at OR Tambo, it was finally time for them (unfortunately not all of them) to hop on a plane and fly half way across the world to spend time with the team. They came to visit the one child that they sent out but left with 10 new children that they will welcome home as their own.    Two days in Panama City and five days in Boquete offered many opportunities for our moms to get to know the...
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