So out we go on our Luke 10 with 4 clues in our pocket for the treasure hunt:
route62, Kareedouw, school, turqois.
Me and Wayne end up hitch-hiking our way to our destination, totally dependant on Jesus en Holy Spirit's guidance. With much favor, we arrive at the little town, chatting to the lady in die quick shop. She directs us to the school in town "which needs Jesus." As we walked out of the door, a grey-haired man walks up to us. "Where are you from? What are you ding here? Do you have a place to sleep?" he eagerly asked. Right there Father gave us a place to stay for the weekend. But we still have a mission to the school...
Arriving at the school, we started talking to a Holy Spirit-filled teacher about why we are there. We were bubbling over about Jesus that saves en sets free and heals and Holy Spirit that fills and gives life in abundance. We were at the right place at the right time! The school was ready for Holy Spirit to stirr His fire and passion in their hearts.
For the next two days we ministered to the 8 to 19 year olds in the school, telling everyone the gospel of peace and grace. Students was set free from bondages that held them back, students was healed from emotional scars, a new passion stirred in their hearts for Jesus, some got filled with Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. It was amazing how Holy Spirit moved with Fahter's love in the school.
During the weekend we stayed at the lovely couple's farm house in the mountains (the man who invited us). We got to minister to the family and their friends and the extended community on the farm - the same message as we gave to the children in the school. Fantastic!
So looking back on our four clues at the beginning, we got to drive on the route62, we arrived in Kareedouw, we ministered to a school... and turqois? Oh, yes! It was that teacher that was so discouraged and burdened at the school which I prayed for and Jesus lifted her spirit... she weared a turqois shirt. Jesus is really worried about individuals and really compassionately, specifically sets people free.
woot woot! write more blogs! miss you guys