Only two weeks of training have passed and I already feel like I have learnt a lifetime of lessons. The people I've met here are already like part of my family. And as for my relationship with God.. It has never been so strong and so intense. I feel like a better, stronger person. And God is my leader, using me as a messenger to tell His story to the world. And all I can say is, "I'm ready for the change, I'm ready for the world, I'm ready for the things that I've already learnt."- Coldplay. These are the memories that I will forever cherish in my heart. And these are the times that will forever be inbeded in not only our lives but in the people's lives we come in contact with as well. This is our journey with God. And we are ready.
Lisa, Dis wonderlik dat jy God se lig so laat skyn. Ons is saam met jou opgewonde. Frances, Mamma en Pappa.
Lisa, mag hierdie vir jou een van die beste ooit mylpale in jou lewe wees. Onthou wat jy doen is nie om iets te verdien nie, maar is uit oorvloed van jou hart wat uit die oorvloed van Sy genade is. "Go make every day count more than the previous one". Al die mooiste seenwense vir hierdie opwindende stap. "You go girl!