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Journey with Lisa.

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

My new journey awaits

Only two weeks of training have passed and I already feel like I have learnt a lifetime of lessons. The people I've met here are already like part of my family. And as for my relationship with God.. It has never been so strong and so intense. I feel like a better, stronger person. And God is my leader, using me as a messenger to tell His story to the world. And all I can say is, "I'm ready for the change, I'm ready for the world, I'm ready for the things that I've already learnt."- Coldplay. These are the...
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My African experience

Because Africa is my place of birth I have always loved the continent, it's culture and all who live there. Yet as our journey began in Zanzibar I saw a side of my continent that I have never even thought existed. The image I had in mind of white sandy beaches and fancy hotels did not last, when we got off the ferry from Dar Es Salaam to Zanzibar the picture I saw infront of me was the total opposite. As we drove through the busy streets on our way to our hosts home, I came to realise that when...
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The war

Are you coming to the war? Where fire burns and fear is great. There is no means of escape. Where Death is like a lingering shadow tracing behind His victims. Horrible things have happened here. This is where life and death meet face to face, in a battle to see who will win. This is the birth place of chaos and destruction, this is war.  Today I saw a different life. A life filled with fear and anguish. A life that was consumed by flames. Today I saw true hopelessness. Today, I looked into the eyes of a war refugee. ...
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Death, where is your sting?

Are you willing to give it all? No matter what you may see or where you may walk. Though you may stare into the eyes of demons and monsters, will you still be able to worship His name? How deep is your love for Him.   Today I saw a man. A man who was barely able to walk because he was ridden with sickness. As I watched him I was able to clearly make out where one bone starts and another ends. Today I looked into the eyes of death.   You do not know how a heart can...
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Theres a place which you can either love or hate. But dont trust your ears for words can only deceive. Don't trust your eyes for images can hide the truth. Rather trust your heart, and let it follow the narrow roads. Sing to the music and be engulfed by a sea of culture and beauty. But be warned, once you get a taste of the rich, spicy culture, you may not want to leave.   The image I had of India was one of total poverty, sickness and a lot of interesting smells. Being pushed from all sides and always...
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Onward and forward?

"Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves" - Luke 10:3  They say it's easier said than done. And sometimes they may even say it's crazy. And who could blame them? If I was still on the outside looking in, I might have said the same. Yet now I am on the inside looking out. And I am not alone. I am with my shepherd. He is sending us, His sheep, out among the wolves once more.  Never in my life would I have ever thought I'd be the one to say that in...
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Washed by the hands of my Father

There's a new dawn arising, there's a new constellation forming and a new song playing. I can see it being formed through the winking of the stars. I can hear the song playing through the whispers of the wind and the rolling of the waters. There's a new time coming. And it's coming for us. The reborn and the saved, the hopeless and the hopeful. We will be one, we will be renewed. The day I got baptised was the start of a new life. That's what I was told though. Whether I believed it or not, I'm still not...
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