"Alive, alive,
alive forever more
My Jesus is alive
Alive forever more"
This is what is still echoeing in my ears after my time in India. What an awesome privilege to be part of this time and to see the change God is busy with in India - and especially in the kids of India.
In India there is about 86 million orphans and street kids at the moment. This is the harsh reality of the era we are living in. The Lord remains faithful though and He will equip people to work with these kids and try to give them a better life than they had. This is the people I'm forever grateful for their vision and the fact that they did something about that vision.
This was truly one of the best months in my life and the Lord really challenged me to give my everything for the kids we worked with. It was amazing to see that if I give my all, the Lord of Lords will bless me more than I thought was ever possible. This is exactly what happened. The kids jumped into my heart - boots and all!!!!
All they need is my time, enthusiasm and my prayers, but how often are we willing to give this to kids we don't know. Kids who never knew their parents, kids who's parents were killed in front of their eyes. Poor families who just cant afford to give their children the live they deserves - this is the kids that became my kids in this short time.
The Lord also challenged me with scripture out of James 1: 17-27
(ISV) "A religion that is pure and stainless in the sight of God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
I want to challenge you to get involved in a place close to you where you can experience the Lord's love in giving and serving the orphans and poor families...