By Marnus Klopper on Friday, 06 March 2009
Category: Marnus Klopper

My Egypt...

Just as a quick reminder...we are in Egypt at the Red sea and here is more coral reef than you can imagine!!

 Anyway...besides all the beautiful scenery in the sea, and out, and getting to know all the locals in this amazing little town of Dahad, we also got to spend some time at a retreat outside Alexandria and three days in Cairo.

In the time we spent at the retreat we recieved teachings on the Old Testament which broke so many things, thought processes and mysteries open for the first time!!

The one thing that very clearly stood out for me when we were doing the Old Testament just got firmly cemented in my heart when we got to the heart of Egypt. I'm the place from where God lead out the Isrealites from slavery and suppresion so many years ago, but is so very relevant in my life, and maybe in yours, at the moment.
Back in the day of Moses, God lead His people from a place where they were bound by slavery to a foreign power with the promise of entering the Promised Land, a place He prepared for them. They ended up spending 40 years in the desert because the grew ungreatfull to God and started moaning about their situation and they even longed back to the food from Egypt. They very easily forgot what God has done for them and what He promised them and that ended up costing them dearly.

Now, I've been finding myself lately, briefly longing back to my previous life and job and all the 'joys' that came with it.
Then I realised that just like the Isrealites, God has also lead me out of "my Egypt" and into 'my desert', with a promise of great things to come(my promised land) but with the condition of staying faithfull to my calling and above all to Him.
If, throughout this year, I'm going to keep longing back to a previous life where I was bound by worldly things, then I'm also, just like Isreal, going to spend my '40 years' in the desert before I can enter 'my promised land'.

This just made me ask the question; what is still there in my life that is going to keep me in 'my desert' for longer than God initially intended for me? What is keeping me from enetering 'my Promised land'??
Is there anything in your life that is preventing God from leading you out of 'your Egypt', or what is keeping you in 'your desert'.

God wants us all to enter our promised lands which He has prepared for us, and I know that I don't want to spend one more minute in my desert than what God intended for me.

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