As this AMAZING journey is almost coming to a end, I realise that this is only ONE of my journeys. There is always another journey to start and look forward to! And we can be sure that God has a great plan with our future! And Jesus is always walking it with us!but for now... Philippians 3:14 -"I press on to reach the end of the race and recieve the heavenly prize for which God, through Jesus, is calling us".
This year so far has been the best journey I've been on. God is ABLE, but He use people to be His hands and feet, to show His love to the lost. What a privilege I have that God chose me to work for Him, taveling with brothers and sister that loves God our Father so much, seeing people being healed from years of emotional scars, seeing people meeting and experiencing Jesus. And for me.. Falling inlove with my King, my Savior, my God!!
Excited for the last week of this journey as we are spending it in Jordan. We have been serving the Syrian refugees with a local church. We saw a need, we gave a blanket. We saw hurt, we gave love!. I'm praying that God will continue to give us opportunities to share His unfailing love for His people.
Northbound 2013- Lets end this year with a BOOM! It's not over yet!!:D