My current location is Hong Kong...but I would like to go back to my time in South Africa and share a few experiences!
Our leadership team divided us into groups using the great make an animal sound and find everyone else making that sound! When I opened my eyes there were 3 other girls standing there with me!! How great is that-a team of all girls!! Then we began with the first competition courtesy of my good friend Sarah...don't worry she isn't playing any favorites, my team actually finished last in the first challenge. So we began the first Official team challenge with a one minute deficit behind the leading team. The first Official challenge involved looking at a photo figuring out where that photo was taken, go to that spot and complete a challenge...well after the first challenge (limited resources) we were still behind pretty significantly (the other teams have boys). We arrived at the second challenge spot and saw that all teams were still there, so we
were still in this!! We were handed a page of Soduko to do...I love Soduko and so does Elsabe, who is one of my team members! So we worked greatly together and completed the Soduko in record time...well at least enough time to allow us to race to the next spot devour some leftover oatmeal stuff from breakfast, a hamburger patty from the previous day, and a piece of pickled corn all drizzled with mustard. We then raced on, still in the lead, to name the countries we are visiting in order...still in the lead, we raced on to the last challenge which was retrieving a rock from the bottom of the 'pool' with our team name, RED, written on it! We recovered from a one minute deficit to become the winners!
Here is our photo after Marna, far left, jumped in the pool and retrieved our rock!! Team members are Marna, Elsabe, Marliaan, Monica (l to r)
We are very confident that though we have no guys on our team we are going to be fierce competition for the blue and green teams!