Our first country England was very beautiful. It was winter and very cold. We arrived in London after two long but awesome flights on 6 March. We had a lot to see and to enjoy there. A married couple from South-Africa gave us a place to sleep and awesome meals. We also received a challenge in London where we had to hear God’s voice really clear and I was a leader in one of the two teams. We can just thank God for His provision and faithfulness.
After England we head out to Guatemala! That was a new adventure. Just in order to get to the town that we wanted to get to called Panajachel, we had to take chicken buses to get there. That was one of my greatest experiences. Those buses drive like crazy.
In Guatemala we served a familie and helped them to build on their house and we got the
opportunity to help mayan families to put in stoves in their houses. And after a long day of work we received awesome teachings from a Pastor in the town.