Last week I was walking past the movies at the local cinema and what I saw was a huge shock to me: There wasn&
rsquo;t one non occultist movie that you could watch. Even the movies for family entertainment and children had strong connections with some or other form of the occult or satanism!
In agreement with what I have observed the past two years in the world around me, my spirit has been crying out! I believe we are in a time like no other! I believe that the harvest is plentiful – the labourers few - and that satan is pulling out all stops to grab what he still can!
I believe that it’s the time of uncompromised faith and that all of us should step out and live the life God has called us towards! My own experience have been that it is more difficult for me to obey Gods calling on my life when earthly things stands in the way. What do I mean by that? Well, let me put it in simple terms:
Dying to yourself… Jesus taught that who ever loses his life for My sake, will gain it, but he who tries and keep his life will lose it. Dying to self for me means to deny your own dreams, ambitions and desires… So easily we are caught up in the worldly desire of belongings and personal gain that it gets really difficult to hear the voice of God above it all. One of my friends once told me: “It is hard to hear Gods voice above the distress that comes with a monthly bond payment and rising debt! It all makes it so much more difficult to pack up and go…” Jesus taught that we must firstly seek the Kingdom of God and all other things will be given on to us. In the same breath He also asked the disciples if they don’t believe that God knows all their needs and can provide in them.
I have seen and believe that God does provide…
To some of you it might challenge your normal way of thought but I am a witness that Gods word is true… When you seek first His Kingdom, all other needs are met by Him!
Hope to talk to you again soon!