Dear friends
Where is your faith?
Its been some time since our last newsletter, but I would love to share with you some of what Estee and I experienced the past few weeks.
I have discovered again that I truly need God in my life, that I am nothing without Him and that through Him all things are possible.
Before we knew it, 2009 was on top of us and we were camping with more than 45 students next to the beach in Jeffrey’s Bay. This year we will have two journeys (North Bound and South Bound) travelling around the globe as backpackers and another team; Explore Africa focussing on Africa. At the beginning of this year Estee and I again read the piece in Luke 8 where Jesus tells his disciples to cross with him a lake and then a storm comes up. Soon the disciples are in distress and doubt that they will survive. They then call on Jesus and he answers them: Where is your faith?
This made me realise that so many times once God has given us a task - as soon as the circumstance become tough surrounding it, we doubt and become anxious. In that, God just asks us… Where is your faith? Doubt and anxiety make us forget about our faith and rather focus on the circumstances… God calls us to focus on the task and Him and not doubt the calling. If He directs – He will also provide.
This is our challenge: As the logistics, pressure and preparations mount up in getting everything ready for the three journeys to leave our faith has to be on the one who gave the instructions.
Fortunately, we aren’t alone in this boat, and we ask you to please continue in prayer with me and Estee.
Our Prayer needs are:
For Global Challenge Expeditions
- Provision for team members still in need of sufficient funding
Our Personal Prayer Needs:
- Thanks to God for His provision and blessings
- We are getting married in April...
- A place to stay in Jeffrey’s Bay once we are married
- Deeper growth towards God and each other
- Financial Support
Thank you again to each of you praying for us on a regular basis and supporting us in this calling.
Our Faith is in Christ
Stefan and Estee