My best subject in school was always Biology...and the reason for that is...because there is lots of pictures in the text book!! The Bible does say,: "do unto others what you want to be done unto yourself", so I will not bore you with to many paraghraps but rather show some colourful pictures!!  

anafora_93.jpg Arriving in Egypt, we were dropped off at a desert retreat centre in the middle of the Sahara desert called Anafora…it was really really hot, but a very good time to seek the Lord’s face.

In the evenings we had a time of fellowship on the roof, and looking up at the star filled sky I really experienced God’s presence. Our hosts were members of the Coptic Church which started this community.














Back in Cairo we had to go greet the pyramids… It ended up being a very interesting camel ride filled with fun and laughter. Looking out onto the pyrimids that afternoon I remembered how as a young girl I told my dad that - one day I will go visit the pyramids in Egypt... Little did I know how things will work out.









Being a group that loves to travel, we already had a new destination to explore – Dahab, a small town next to the Red Sea. We traveled from Cairo, through Suez into the Sinai desert - like the Isrealites, and had the opportunity to hike up Mount Sinai, the Mountain of God.

Worshiping the Lord on the mountain I was overwhelmed with the bigness and greatness of the God. How can you really grasp God in one thought?? And sitting on the mountain I was reminded of what God told Moses – “I AM WHO I AM”. I AM _________ . God is saying I AM whatever this world or you will ever need. You can never define the I AM, He cannot be boxed. But yet, this big and awesome God I know personally for He has revealed Himself to me, a mere human being…



We only had a few days in Dahab, to enjoy the Red Sea and to find Nemo between the colourful coral reefs before we had to continue our journey… Our journey to Jerusalem, and the Promised Land.

nWhat a privilege to see and experience a place on earth were Jesus walked. We slept on a roof in the old city and had a great view of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives.
















Ps 84:5 says, :”Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on a pilgrimage” This truly was a pilgrimage, a pilgrimage to seek the face of God. And what I found, changed my heart... 



Annami and Sulene