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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Where is everybody?

In case you were wondering since we've all been so quiet on blogging and stuff.  The team is spread out at the moment between London, Bosnia i Herzegovina and Dahab (Red Sea).  God is actively busy working in and through each of us during this time in various ways.  And of course the enemy is not at all pleased...  So please pray for each individual's protection - physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.  We will all meet up again in Cairo on October 1st and are looking forward to what we believe is still going to be something BIG as we...
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Special WORD each day

Oom Christopher told us during our course in Zambia that God has a special word for each one of His children each day - a unique word; a word He wants to give to you personally; a "daily bread" kind of word.  The question I was confronted with, was whether or not I am there every single day - asking and listening - to receive and realize that word from God in my life?  I need to confess that too often I am not.  Even though I'm so desperate for it, there are just too many times in my life...
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PRAY FOR INDIA, PRAY FOR INDIA, PRAY FOR INDI-AAA!!! This is the song the girls taught us to dance to while we were there earlier this year...  We've been remembering again and again to pray for the orphanages, their staff, each of the children who crept so deeply into our hearts, the country and all the Christians who live there. Since the end of August the State of Orissa has been facing severe persecution.  Many have died as martyrs and thousands are left homeless after churches and villages had been burnt to the ground.  I remember the verses God used...
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Panajachel photo blog

Panajachel photo blog
Panajachel...  Another place full of memories; full of beauty; full of people I came to love.  A place where I could serve and grow and see the mighty works of God!  A place my heart will always treasure and friends that will remain in my prayers!   The Crossroads family!  Kasia, (Mari), Mike, Adele, Lungi, (me).  They love the Lord and live in obedience to Him while they run the best coffee shop in town.    Ericka and I became good friends and sisters in Christ!  It was a privilege to share with her and get to know her.  Pedro and Anarosa are...
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Santa Catarina photo blog

Santa Catarina photo blog
    In a little town callled Santa Catarina (1 hour's walk from Panajachel), we assisted with a building project for a family we came to love dearly.  They gave their hearts to Christ before we left Panajachel but still need a lot of prayer in their walk to maturity in faith.           
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I guess it's about time...  About time I get down to writing a newsletter and blog again.  About time I share what the Lord's been doing.  So I decided to finally do it now... ABOUT TIME!  For me personally, our time in Guatemala started off on a wonderful high.  I could experience God working in and through me and I found absolute joy in knowing that I am where the Lord wants me to be.  It was special to come back to Panajachel and be able to recognize and testify of what the Lord has done since the last time...
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God's girls in India...

God's girls in India...
           Do you remember some of these girls?  These are pictures of some of the girls I met at the orphanage during our time there in 2007. What an amazing privilage and joy it was to see them again this year!!! To see them laugh and sing and dance...  To hear them pray and see how they have grown...  To spen time with them again - building friendship that impacts eternity in both my heart and theirs...  To listen to their joys and fears, their dreams and their tears...  To share LIFE and just to BE and to LOVE...        "MY...
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God loves a cheerful giver.

012_om_macau.jpgWritten by Sulene - still news from Macau 

The GCX08 white team (myself and the team leaders) had the awesome privilege of spending time of fellowship with Martie and the OM staff and students in Macau.

Meeting and sharing with these servants of the Lord was a very rich experience for me.  It was HUMBLING to say the least!  And encouraging and joyous and blessed!!!& nbsp;

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5 May 2008, KL, Malaysia - Sulene

Ephesians 4:1-16

"There is ONE body and ONE Spirit... ONE hope... ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, ONE God and Father of all" - ONE who is over all and through all and in all!

Our theme for this month of ministry in Malaysia and Thailand is THE BODY OF CHRIST!  We are asking God to stretch our minds and challenge our actions as He teaches us on this.  During our time here so far, we have also had amazing fellowship with different believers and workers and churches.  My prayer is that our walks with them this month may bring both us and them one step closer to God.  May our love and unity be a testimony that invites many more into the Kingdom!

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Spectrum of Praise 495

After reflecting on Psalm 27 also today in church (SJGC) and then having bread and wine in remembrance of Him who made it possible for us to enter God's kingdom forever, the words of this song touched me...
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