Unfortunately the Guatemala part of the Work Your Way journey has come to an end. What a blessed time it has been! Here is a video that can hopefully atleast give you a small taste of the amazing things we experienced in Guatemala:
[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EScRvP5DIwg 300x300]
Thank you all the amazing people in Guatemala that had a part in this stage of the journey, thank you pastor Ben and your family for everything you have done for us, thank you PJ for the huge contribution you made aswell, and thank you to all the people all over the world that is constantly praying for our team. It is truly apreciated.
Most of all, all thanks to God that blessed us every step of the way.
Muchos Gracias
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
WOW!!! This is an incredible video - thank you guys! I hope this is just the beginning and that every country will get a video as you go along!!!
May God continue to use you as warriors in His Kingdom and may you experience the fullness of who He is!
Thanks for the video!!!Was a privilege to see what you have experienced!!!Love you all.