We have been working for the last couple of weeks in a small town in Guatemala called – Panajachel.
Well a week a go I got the challenge- “lay 3 bricks” – quite easy when you think about it. And I was so eager to work I accepted the challenge immediately.
Not knowing that a few people have tried to lay these 3 bricks and because of uneven foundation and so intense retries these 3 bricks where still unlined.
So what I did was.... climbed up this wall standing on a piece of wood on 2 chairs in the street.
But standing in the street made it even more complicated there are these small cars here called toek-toeks and this small street was just as wide as the toek-toek.
Well that was not the only hassle my first try in building these blocks were unsuccessful and the gaps between the bricks were too big – so I tried again.
My second try was more successful but when laying the last block I realized that without cement the brick is the same height as the others then I decided to break of parts of the foundation just to reduce the level – after 4 hours I had laid 3 bricks can you believe it.
But the most amazing thing was what I learned through this:
Endurance and patience – these to words are words that biblically come up very often and even verbally come out quite often BUT physically they lack because of the difficulty of acting out these emotions.
The biggest motivation I can give to you reading this blog is that what ever you do day or night. Do everything to the best of your potential even if it means that you have to act out emotions you are not very familiar with.
God really wants us to learn in every thing we do and if we are satisfied in a good days work even if it is laying 3 bricks – He will still be glorified because you gave it your all.