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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Die nuwe lewe

Die nuwe lewe
Om in afrikaans te blog is altyd beter vir my. Dit voel of ek my HART TEN VOLLE KAN DEEL. Al wat ek nou wil blog is dat wanneer jy die blog lees dat jy n oomblik sal stil word en dankie se vir dit wat jy het... jou gesondheid, jou huis, jou lewensstyl, jou familie en jou vriende. Dankie vir almal wat die jaar vir my moontlik gemaak het en wat my ondersteun ek waardeur dit regtig baie.   Die son opkoms vanoggend... LIEF VIR JULLE 
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Lena is n legend

Het jy al ooit gewonder wat die lewe sou wees sonder hulp, ondersteuning of n ousie wel my ousie is verseker n legend. Ek besef net elke dag dat die Here Lena met n doel vir ons family gegee het. Die is net n kort blog om dankie te se vir my Ousie en als wat sy  vir ons doen. veral om skoon te maak. Ek is so te se n goeie wasser maar nog nie naastenby soos my Lena nie. Al wat ek eintlik net wil se is waardeur die mense wat vir jou werk en wat moeite in...
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home sweet home...

Hallo Almal... ek het so baie geleer in die laaste maand dat ek nie eers kan dink wat die jaar gaan doen nie.  ons was in Chani Village in die traskei naby Mtata. dit was soooooo mooi daar gewees ons het wel gechallenge om daar te kom, maar dit was alles die moeite werd ek het dit so baie geniet. ons het een lift al die pad gekry van Jeffreys tot daar. En die legend ou wat ons gevat het woon in Jeffreys EN hy het vir ons geen geld gevra nie wat n seen. Dit is so  moeilik vir my...
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Hak af ons vlieg vandag...

Hak af ons vlieg vandag...
 Hey Almal wat so getrou my blogs lees... hoop dit gaan nog goed met julle en dat die jaar sover net n blessing is... Dankie vir almal wat al geld gedoneer het. Ons het gister R80 000 gekry en nou kan ons almal Egipte toe gaan... jippy Die week het ons baie goed gedoen oor spiritual Gifts - dit was amazing die Here ht regtig met ons gewerk. Ek sit nou in my kamer vir die laaste keer ons vlieg oor 5ure en 15 min (presies). Ek is super opgewonde en kan nie wag om te gaan nie. Vanoggend het...
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alles in een...

kom ek begin by die begin... Na Dahab is ons Mount Sanai toe waar ons vrek baie trappies geklim het om bo uit tekom, maar alles was die moeite werd. ons het daar bo omtrent die hele Exodus gelees om die stories van die wet mooi te verstaan - so half ses het ons nog boontoe begin klim om die sonsondergang heelbo te beleef. Dit was pragtig daarbo en vrek koud. Ons het die aand op die berg geslaap en dit baie geniet. Na die is ons Israel toe op die Border toe dink die mense verf is plofstof toe...
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Call on God and He will answer you ... (Jeremiah 33:3).

KimLudickThe reason I am writing this blog is because I would like to share a testimony of a promise that God has fulfilled. In 2009 around the end of our one year journey God showed me that I was only allowed to share the testimonies of what God did in this year, traveling with GCEX, for the following two years. He also promised me that after this time I would begin my ministry.

So this is exactly what I did. God gave me the most amazing roommate my freshman year of University, and we had endless conversations deep into the night about everything God had done for us and is still doing in our lives.

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1, 2, 3 Bricks...

1, 2, 3 Bricks...
We have been working for the last couple of weeks in a small town in Guatemala called – Panajachel. When I say work I mean building. I have learnt a few things and one of these many new talents is to lay bricks. Well a week a go I got the challenge- “lay 3 bricks” – quite easy when you think about it. And I was so eager to work I accepted the challenge immediately. Not knowing that a few people have tried to lay these 3 bricks and because of uneven foundation and so intense retries these 3 bricks...
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Land of Freedom

Land  of Freedom
 Talking the talk, hoping for a difference, accepting the challenge, inspiring the young is what T.H.A.I. means to me. As Luzaan would say Shan Rag Thailand. I love Thailand.   Thailand took me by surprise; it was a heatwave of children, culture, language barriers and smiles ,all in one. I've taken four days out of my diary to show you how my experiances in the country was a challenged for me.   Day 1 (01/04/09) The first day at school Teaching was one of the things that looked most challenging... Esspesially because it was language – English. Dear Diary Today I helped...
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Red team Journals 1 still being Edited... 2 b continued in the meanwhile look @ this
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Marland and Alice Miller

Have you ever felt like you just needed a little bit of encouragement? Today was one of those days for me... I was walking the streets of Nepal wondering if all these foreingers are searching for something, as I was searching for Christian Fellowship outside of South Bound - someone just to encourage me for the rest of the year...  and... As i walked into the Crazy Burger Cafe and ordered a Banana Milkshake I sat down next to a friendly couple who seemed diffirent than the rest of the foreigners - they were enjoying life. As they were getting...
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