By Annerie Vosloo on Monday, 25 May 2009

God of small things

A shower on Gatwick airport brought me a revelation..


Well , firstly the shower came with the expectation of docking up one pound for it. (after spending one night on a bus and the next two sleeping at different airports this was money to be spent very wisely!). Great was the joy then when we learned that one pound was only if you did not have your own toiletries and towel. Soon the three showers was taken over by myself and most of my teammates. 

 The joy over this shower then made me realise - He is the God who so often (daily!) provides in the small things while we only search and acknowledge Him in the spectular that we miss one another totally! Sadly this is the case more often than not.

 And as we give Him not enough glory for the small things I would like to share with you some of the small things I have experienced and retrospectively realised in the past few weeks. (sadly I have also missed a lot)

I also realised that much of the reason for missing the small things is due to the fact that we don´t trust God for it.

I have to mention one of my so delightful teammates, Ashleigh. She asks and thanks God for everything.  From the painting she wants to buy in each country to a blanket for the cold nights in Turkey. He has never failed to answer her according to His will. She got the blanket from a shop owner and the painting she bought in Tel Aviv´s price was exactly that in her pocket. Just this morning a bird flew into the house and sat on her bed and she thanked the Lord there and then for this nice thing He did for her.

He won´t fail us either.  Even in the small things if that is in His will.

Take this journey with me and search and trust Him in the small things. He is everywhere.  

It will add meaning to your life... 

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