As part of our mandate to reach impoverished areas in the world we have a strong mission to look after orphans. Thus one of our ongoing projects has been the consistent investing into the lives of orphans in India. Over the past few years significant amounts of energy and funds have been ploughed into two orphanages in India that GCEX has a special relationship with. Despite this some parts of the orphanages are in serious disrepair and need urgent attention. In September and December this year two teams are preparing to leave for India on an Impact India expedition. During...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Stefan politely encouraged me to blog. I came accross something I wrote two years ago. Since then our involvement in India increased. It still is a tremendous priviledge to learn from the men you are about to meet. The difference between hearing about and the experience of the same thing, is like the difference between smell and taste. It is why I believe in experiental learning and why I am convinced that the Lord wants to create a wineskin to disciple people in a context of exposure. However, I did not thought it will hit me personally as hard...
They look like mini swimming pools. Pools of rice. Feeding 400 kids daily with two gas burners and big pots is a challenge. If there are only one tap and a really dirty floor outside it gets worse. It is in this challenge that we would like to help. The kitchen boys in Kota has a very special place in our hearts. It is them who Clara and Hattingh befriended the first year. They are the ones who cannot cope in school and have to work here. You can read some of Clara's blogs to listen to there stories. Emmanuel Home...