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invitation of breakthrough

As I walk up the steep, stone steps and look behind me at the valley I was convinced I had to make my home in, I am undone at the beauty my eyes behold. A spacious, inviting room adorned with greenery and fresh flowers in every corner- in the middle is the most beautifully set table I have ever seen. As the setting sun spilled in and lit up the room, I see a seat the has my name on it: a spot reserved and set just for me. You come and take my hand to lead me to my...
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live a life of risk

When you are rejected or life gets hard, what is your first reaction? I’ve realized mine tends to be “why me” or “when will it get better.” Recently, I have been challenged to trade my questioning for more faith- to stop and ask God for MORE BOLDNESS. Whether someone has hurt me repeatedly or what I have to say is pushed aside and rejected, I am provoked to press in and ask God to empower me with His Holy Spirit and to actually ask for MORE OF HIM. I don’t want to live a life of passivity, but one of...
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no boundaries

I used to see walls enclosed around me, but now I am living with no boundaries. I am like an unbridled horse- FREE to run the distance. I can’t even see the end of the field- just the sun on my back and wildflowers under my feet. The farther I run the less afraid I become. I have stepped into FREE COUNTRY, where the territory never ends because it was created and is governed by the True King. The walls around me I had made myself- their names were doubt, shame, fear, and useless. My walls were torn down and...
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Make way for the things that cannot be shaken

We talk a lot about trusting God and embracing Him no matter the circumstance, but when push comes to shove is that really our response? The last few months I have been praying a prayer: “God, I want to be a woman of faith. Would you expand my faith and what I can handle, that I may know and trust you more? Create in me a heart of faith and a confidence in You that is unshakeable!” I have been asking Jesus to take my faith to new depths for MONTHS!!! And to be honest, I had sort of come...
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The deeper end of God’s grace

There is a grace that washes us clean, transforms our hearts, and challenges us to love deeply even when it seems too difficult. God first extended this grace to us through His Son, Jesus, as He took on our sins and willingly gave His life to reconcile us. We live in this grace everyday- it has become apart of our stories with God and testifies of His power in our lives. As God first extends this grace to us, He then invites us as His children and His heirs to extend this grace to each other. His grace is part...
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morning cups of coffee

I sit on the porch of a big, white house and when I look through the windows, it is unfurnished and collecting dust. As I look out over the expanse of the land, it almost seems like too much to harvest and care for by myself. It needs new fences, because the old ones are not doing their job anymore- they weren't properly built and the gate is nearly falling off. As I sit, I look at the chair next to me; at the moment, all that sits in this chair is a box filled with hopes, dreams, fears, insecurities...
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