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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

New Wine

New Wine. In the world there are more than a hundred Types of wines. The general process of making a bottle of wine from seed to bottle can take three to five years. The seed by itself can’t do anything and tastes bitter. It needs the soil to sprout and the ground to feed on. The Farmer needs to give it water to be able to grow and to prune it to produce the best grapes. The grapes go through a couple of processes and finally are bottled to be enjoyed on a warm summer or cold winter evening with...
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Back where I belong

Back where I belong   Back in December of 2018, my sister and brother in-law announced that they where pregnant. It was such blessed news to receive. The entire family was so happy and thankful for the news and praised God. We all knew that it would be a difficult road ahead and that without God, it would be impossible.   I had a difficult start to the year and had to allow God to teach me to keep my focus on Him and not on things I want. To stay focused and trust in God and His will for...
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A Working Father

But Jesus replied, "My Father is always working, and so am I." -John 5:17 This is a famous verse that a lot of people know and I have heard it multiple times in my life. But only in Russia I truely believed and saw God's work in action. It all began in the streets of Moscow after a long day of walking to get our visas for Cuba. I got a picture in my head and immediately knew it came from God. I loved that God is still speaking to me, but in a way I was a bit scared...
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Servant spirit


I really thought I had a servant heart. It didn't take a long time into this journey for me to reallize that I was just bluffing myself. That a servant heart can't be a servant heart without a servant spirit.

Galatians 5 :13 ~ For you have been called to live in freedom, both my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinfull nature. Use your free time to serve one another in love

For me to gain a servant spirit I first of all had to lose my selfishness. And to really invest more time in God and to get to know Him. An intimate relationship. And to try and gain some of His characteristics. What an amazing experience that was. It was like God gave me His eyes for a bit. I got to see people out of His eyesight. People I judged , I saw their strong points. People I would have avoided, I made time for. People I didnt like , I started to love.

It just shows you that that all God wants is a open heart and a seeking spirit...

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If it is your vision, it is your mission.

If it is your vision, it is your mission.
This is a phrase that has been impregnated in my mind for several months when a friend from Oesterbaai shared with me her father's experience before founding the ministry in which she currently works. She tells me that her father went on a mission trip in Burundi and saw a specific need within the community. What was that need? the lack of water for human consumption. This community lived on top of a mountain and the water they consumed was at the bottom of the same mountain. The missionary group had gone with the intention of delivering sports equipment. He...
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In His Footsteps

"I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves." (Zech 12:2-3)   I might be quoting out of context, but I can assure you that the world is still swooped up in an attempt to drink every last drop of this "intoxicating" city! We've recently had the privilege of walking its streets and meeting its people, and...
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God is all I need

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. Psalms 23:1 NLT I read The Heavenly Man and realized what it meant to live a life knowing that God is all that we need. Brother Yun (The Heavenly Man) went through the most difficult situations. He was thrown into prison 3 times and there he was treated horribly. He was tortured and starved and through it all he still sang praises to God with a joyful heart. He had nothing to hold on to except God. And that was enough. That is how he made it day after...
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The beauty of uncomfortability

Our team split up in groups of 3, went into the streets of Singapore and shared the love of Jesus. What a privilege to explore beautiful Singapore in this way. We went with the bare necessaties and trusted God for the rest! I'm not going to lie- It was definitely very challenging as we found that some people were very closed and cold toward us. 😬   I've learned a valuable lesson in the few days we spent in Singapore, after complaining to God about being uncomfortable while sharing the Good News.. God loves us soooo much and so deeply...
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2018, was a year I’ll never forget. It was filled with moments and people that will never leave my heart.   I am looking back on 2018 with nothing but joy and thankfulness. It was a year of changing, letting go and seeking Jesus in every way possible. I found truth. I learned to live to love. I learned to be content with where God has me, good or bad.   I learned that sometimes it takes really hard seasons in life to get where God has you going.   I’m dancing into 2019 with Jesus, my best friend, my...
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Is this making a difference?


This was a hard question that kept popping up in our first two countries: Rwanda & Uganda. This was the reason why these two countries was the toughest so far. 

I knew that  teaching English and sharing some Bible stories with children and building relationship with people might make a difference in some way, I just couldn't see it right then and there.  For four weeks this is what we did - and believe me it feels like a lifetime if you are far away from home, are sick, tired and can't seem to see the purpose in you being here. All we really did was spend time with people and listen to them - which was surprisingly exhausting. 

Although there is a saying that time is the most precious thing you can give, at that stage it just didn't feel like it made a difference. 

What I really needed was for Jesus to come and redefine missions for me. To have people 24/7 around you and find a space to spend personal time with Jesus in this time was really challenging for me and thus it took me awhile to get the answer to this question. Finally one morning God answered my question with a question while I was looking at a new branch of a plant I sat next to. He asked me, "Do you know how I grew this branch" and my answer to this was "No Lord, You do so I don't have to " and just like that God taught me the most freeing thing - I don't always have to know how He works, because He knows.

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