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Provision around every corner

I remember landing in Mumbai feeling very owerwhelmed, knowing in the back of my mind that we only have R1500 in our budget for five days in India, a layover that truly caught us by surprise. The R1500 was needed for accommodation, transport and food for nine people. So we started our journey, first making our way through customs and soon to the streets of Mumbai, carrying our 20-23kg bags, walking to the very cheap accommodation our travel team has booked for us. We were not walking very long when God's provision already showed up in the form of two...
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Pray before taking a single step

On the 15th of March we arrived at our very first country, Rwanda. We were greeted by Bosco, our host and his family with a lot of love. Bosco runs a NGO where he nominates underprivileged children for a mentorship program, for proper schooling and to teach them the proper values and skills to be affective leaders. I immediately got excited when they told us that we would be helping at a local school teaching them from English to even sports. Members of our team was also needed at Bosco's office, for admin and advertisement of his NGO. During the...
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We have our heading

Every good blog needs at least one or more movie quotes and references. When Captain Jack Sparrow was asked the question how he was able to escape a desert island, after being marooned their by his mutinous crew, with only one pistol and one shot, he simply responded with:"you forgot one very important thing mate, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."   During our Luke 10, the part in the Bible where seventy people where send out by Jesus to preach the Gospel but they are not allowed to take anything with them, our leaders "marooned" us us in Swaziland and told...
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Leave the 99

It is so easy for me always to share all the amazing things God is doing through us, what we have been learning and how we have been growing, altough these things are very true. Sharing all our struggles, weaknesses and faults, is a very different story. Being real and honest can be excruciatingly vulnerble and uncomfortable, but what is clear for me after almost seven months of traveling is that it is in our uncomfort where the Lord does most of His work. In my walk with Jesus over time I noticed that it feels like sometimes I go...
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The Unexpected Journey

"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation", a small whisper and prompting that would change the course of my life. In the movie, Hobbits: The unexpected journey, Gandalf, one of the most powerful wizards, asks his friend Bilbo a hobbit, to go on an quest with him and a group of dwarves to reclaim the kingdom of Erebor. Bilbo would soon realise that this journey would not be at all what he expected, taking him on a treacherous and dangerous path, fighting orcs, giant spiders and even a dragon. Relating to Bilbo was easy when...
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The power of testimony

Travel challenge, was the announcement at the end of Thailand. We were to travel from the north of Thailand until Panang Island in Malaysia, about 2000km and only enough money for food. So before we head out we all gather together in groups of 3, praying, asking the Lord and acknowledging him to direct our path. We prayed for about 15 min and soon we all believed to have gotten pictures from the Holy Spirit. In unity we all remarkably recieved picture that was almost simular. We recieved pictures of the sun, the sunset over the sea as well as...
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Work in progress

Many times on journey and in Jordan while we are serving, I almost felt arrogant to say or even imply that it often feels like maybe God is also serving us? The Bible explains that God's character never changes and that He is always stays the same. Can I maybe imply that the creator of the universe still serves us with the same servent heart as His only Son, the Son He send to save the world and the same Son that said that if you want to know the Heavenly Father, look to Me. Not seeing God's provision, protection...
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