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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The beauty of Him

A year ago, I had the privilege to embark on a 10 month journey with once strangers- now family, with the vision and purpose to share the Love of Jesus whilst adventuring through hills and valley's, oceans and forests, skylines and aeroplane flights. He has blessed us with beautiful people along the way who loved us as if we've known each other forever and people that made saying goodbye so incredibly difficult. My heart has been broken for nations, people, families, abondoned children. I've been faced with my own selfishness and my biggest insecurities. I've been healed and set free...
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The beauty of the climb

Fear of rejection Fear of dissapointment Fear of not being enough Fear of not being captivating Fear of losing God Fear of falling back into the world of lies the enemy kept me in bondage for so long All these fears, one by one, kept on creeping back into my heart this last country of our journey. All the fears God has given me victory over. All the fears I have been set free from. All the hurt I have been healed from caused by these fears, slowly tempting me to shrink back into the lies I once believed defined...
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New Wine

New Wine. In the world there are more than a hundred Types of wines. The general process of making a bottle of wine from seed to bottle can take three to five years. The seed by itself can’t do anything and tastes bitter. It needs the soil to sprout and the ground to feed on. The Farmer needs to give it water to be able to grow and to prune it to produce the best grapes. The grapes go through a couple of processes and finally are bottled to be enjoyed on a warm summer or cold winter evening with...
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A doggo named Bono

To say that I am an animal lover is a mild understatement. My team knows that if I'm lagging behind its generally because I've found something fluffy to pet along the way. Now there's this one pup here in Mcleod Gunj, that I labeled 'trouble maker' from the start. I could've named him scar face from all the stories I'm sure he'd love to tell. I chose Bono instead. He has a constant expression of concern on his face, doesn't smile much and loves to growl at the rest of the pack. But for some reason, Bono and I clicked...
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Back where I belong

Back where I belong   Back in December of 2018, my sister and brother in-law announced that they where pregnant. It was such blessed news to receive. The entire family was so happy and thankful for the news and praised God. We all knew that it would be a difficult road ahead and that without God, it would be impossible.   I had a difficult start to the year and had to allow God to teach me to keep my focus on Him and not on things I want. To stay focused and trust in God and His will for...
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A road trip with Jesus

So what was the challenge? Travelling across 2000km in 5 days with no travel money. 2500km, 28 lifts and 1 train later we made it! 😬 In our prayers before our journey, the three of us had a theme of the ocean, horizon, sun on our faces and wind in our hair. I believed that God wanted us to purely enjoy the road trip that he was taking us on. Just take in all of His glorious creation and acknowledge His presence along side us. We met wonderful and generous humans, we laughed, we sang, and no, we didn't cry!...
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God comes through on time

Sea of Galilee
Two team mates and I were heading back to our camp site at the Sea of Galilee. We weren't sure of the bus number we should take so we asked around but no one spoke English. A bus came by and we showed the driver the ticket of where we had come from. He told us a number in the 300's and the name of the stop. Feeling confident with this info, we sat waiting, chatting a bit, and investigating the number on each bus that headed toward us. Each number that stopped, was a single digit. This doesn't seem...
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Just be real

I've appreciated the concept of being real and I've seen the impact it has in other people's lives, but I've never really been as real as I need to be.    To live in the nations is not a joke. I've gained respect for people who leave their country to go and do the work of God in another country. There is a lot of challenges like cultural differences, language barriers and the unfamiliar. You learn to not seek your comfort in people, coffee, sleep and the list continues. All things are only temporary in this world and you will...
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The beauty of victory

To be quite honest I struggled alot with my emotions going on a crazy roller coaster the past two months! A little while ago I started feeling emotionally exhausted. I couldn't understand why I would one minute feel so joyful and the next I would feel hopeless and tired.   Until recently God revealed to me more about what was really going on. So as we have a physical realm (everything we see and touch), we have just as real spiritual realm where there is many many spiritual dark forces from Satan constantly attacking us with lies and fiery arrows...
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The power of testimony

Travel challenge, was the announcement at the end of Thailand. We were to travel from the north of Thailand until Panang Island in Malaysia, about 2000km and only enough money for food. So before we head out we all gather together in groups of 3, praying, asking the Lord and acknowledging him to direct our path. We prayed for about 15 min and soon we all believed to have gotten pictures from the Holy Spirit. In unity we all remarkably recieved picture that was almost simular. We recieved pictures of the sun, the sunset over the sea as well as...
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