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From India with love

Praise the Lord. For working in India. For grace. For our team. For love. For this privilage. Thank the Lord for the time we had in Kota spending it repanting their church, playing with the kids ect. We are in Varanasi now, and we already seen God's mighty hand over us. Our team always need support, either in prayer and/or in financis. Our buget is currently a bite low and we are trusting that God will provide what is nessecary. thanx to everybody that have been supporting our team. Love from India
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Going places...with God

Going places...with God
When you find the truth in life, what earthly thing can be good enough?  Christ is all, and is in all. To know a King and have a relationship with Him is mind blowing. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.   And surly I am with you always, to the very end of the age.  Matt 28:19-20 I am very excited about next year, expecting awesome stuff. Carmen-Ann   a.k.a   Dot
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Goodbye India

Our last days in India ... God blessed us with a time of rest. Time to be in His presence and to rest in Him.  Nainital is a beautiful town in the mountainside , in the north of India . A lake that is satiated in the valley.  We had prayer walks around the lake and revelations from Gods word.

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Russia with friends.

Our time in Russia was great. We made lot of new friends that made our time in Krasnoyarsk very memorable. We are thankfull for all the blessings that our fellow believers gave us and all the condensed milk!!! Our friend Natasha made a video of our time with them and I would like to share it with you. The fun of presenting South African evenings, playing sport with the youth and having fellowship. Video by Natasha an music by Akon.
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Painting Pictures.

We are having fun in the sun. Working in Phuket.

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Unlimited Love

We are back from Varanasi, in Delhi, after a great time of interceding for the city. We had prayer walks next to the Ganga River and in the streets. Our team went on an early morning trip on the Ganga River where we could really see and experience the influence of the religion on the people. God used our team as vessels to do His work. A man came to Christ and a lot of love has been shared through team members. We were also blessed with Gods grace through a South African lady that opened her heart to us. ...
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Step by step

Thailand and its "tai" challenges!

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