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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Compelled to go

The courage in taking a little step can be the start of a great journey. So, before telling stories about my experience in the nations this year, I think it is pretty important to remember that God was already part of the beginning. God placed a desire for people in my heart long before I ever realized it would mean, going into the nations, would be part of it. Taking a year off, like this, and going into the nations never seemed like much of an option for me. I always imagined my life to proceed in the very stereotypical,...
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Daily Dependence

Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.  -C.S.Lewis-  My journey with dependence started in our previous country-India. I realized I found it difficult to rely on people to help me with certain things. If I was able to do things on my own I would not need any help from anyone. Another example was that in India the ladies were not allowed to walk alone in the streets. This challanged me so much as I was now dependent on a guy to go anywhere. This frustrated me so much...
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Sharing Jesus without saying Jesus

My biggest challange this year but alo my biggest revelation was how to share Jesus when I am not allowed to say His name. Are actions powerful enough to convey Jesus? How do I show people Jesus in a place where I am not allowed to freely say His name? These are questions that I was struggling with for quite some time. I am a person that enjoys speaking to other people about many things, especially Jesus. That is the only way I have ever conveyed Jesus...through always speaking about Him. So when I got into a country where I...
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