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Discovering God's Goodness

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

God's little girl

Sitting in a church in Lapu Lapu, Philippines, that used a mall as a venue, I  was distracted by the play area for children next to where I was sitting. My attention was grabbed by a chubby little girl, playing. She was so beautiful and it gave me so  much pleasure, observing her trying out the different play equipment, how she enjoyed jumping on the trampoline even though she fell more than she actually jumped.  And when she tried something new and got hurt, her mom was right there to comfort her. Looking at this little girl God revealed something...
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Discovering God

After finishing a blog on how God changed my mindset, about things I did not like doing and showing me other wise,  I was not convinced that that was what I was supposed to share. After some amazing teachings this past few days and spending some time with God, God revealed something to me. As great as it is that my mindset about what I do not like is being changed,  as that can be a stumble block in God's kingdom,  the greater thing is that God is changing the  ideas I have about Him and who He is.  Through...
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