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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The Great Commission

The Great Commission. Coming out of 40 days of training in Jeffrey’s Bay, my heart is overflowing with excitement for the year as we get sent out and commissioned to finally go. Come on ! We’ve had wonderful teachers from all around the world to come and speak to us about God’s grace, living to love with Jesus, growing in the prophetic and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. We even had a week of hard labour, building a bridge and pathway for a high school in Jeffrey’s Bay. The weather was crazy, but it was so much fun !...
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No State like the Free State

Frankfort Echo Farm in the Free State was a jol ! Our team served there for two weeks and it was incredible to contribute to something way bigger than ourselves. The farm is almost entirely off grid, which meant no signal (unless you walk a few kilo’s to a random bush at the top op the farm), no electricity, rats and bats as roommates and often lekker cold showers. Oh yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about ! In between the dirty feet, callused hands and a little sunburn, I really experienced true freedom. Our team is closer now than...
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Introducing Me

Introducing Me
Hi there ! My name is Jana Nel, I am 22 years old and my hometown is in Johannesburg. I studied law for 4 years and I have been waiting about 4 years to start my Global Journey with Jesus. I am so happy that 2020 is finally the year to travel, serve and love the nations, although I do not believe that these things happen only in the nations, we can love and serve wherever we find ourselves. I am looking forward to cultivate a lifestyle of simplicity and freedom with Jesus, getting re-rooted into what really matters. So...
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