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Last year I was apart part of Global challenge and I knew Jesus wanted me to do a second year, but I didn't know how it was going to look like. On the 1st of March we left for Zithulele Transkei. Our team volunteered at the various NGO's for a month. The drive there was beautiful, full of excitement and expectations for what this small rural place in the middle of nowhere might hold for us. My biggest dream is to be a full time missionary in the underground churches in Iran. I always had this perfect Idea of how...
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No State like the Free State

Frankfort Echo Farm in the Free State was a jol ! Our team served there for two weeks and it was incredible to contribute to something way bigger than ourselves. The farm is almost entirely off grid, which meant no signal (unless you walk a few kilo’s to a random bush at the top op the farm), no electricity, rats and bats as roommates and often lekker cold showers. Oh yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about ! In between the dirty feet, callused hands and a little sunburn, I really experienced true freedom. Our team is closer now than...
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Echo farm

Somewhere close to nowhere a river bends and flows freely through a remote dryland. It’s a place where the hot summer sun makes the earth pay its tax in the form of water in exchange for its energy and promise of growth. It’s a place where insects rule the ground and the call of the fish eagle sounds.   It’s a place where God uses the dusk air as a canvas to paint a new masterpiece every day.   With every sunset comes a new promise of a cool night. It’s a place where the stars rule the night sky...
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Export Report

Export Report
I've heard people say South Africa is such a wonderful country and it's so diverse, in fact I've said something similar, travel magazines and tourists too. It's even in our De facto slogan, the rainbow nation. Diverse in people, nature, culture and heritage. It's one thing to think you know something and a whole lot different to know you only know a little. Naively I thought I knew. Since we've been expropriated from Brazil the team has actively served in 4 of our 8 provinces and not even lockdown has been able to impede our travels. Where's the truth in...
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Joy of life

From the 7th to the 23rd of September we visited the Echo farm close to Frankford.   At our previous ministry point I was wondering what my next challenge will be for the new ministry point. But Jesus really came and poured His blessing and joy over me.   Jesus really gave me so much joy on the farm where we worked. We prepared the soil for spinach, planted the spinach, made a stone floor and we helped built mashroom houses.   In al the hard work, tired nights and stiff bodies I really saw and felt the joy that...
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Hogsback, a place where nature envelopes you, where the forest aroma fills your nostrils, where the earth is alive, rivers flow and God’s creation worships Him. However, Hogsback isn’t known for any of that but rather for it’s heavy spiritual atmosphere, but God used us to represent His kingdom there by using us as His light in the darkness.   We could really see God working in people’s lives despite us and using us as the broken vessels we are to lead people into His Kingdom.   Being surrounded by Nature really reminded me that God is Lord of the...
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Walk in freedom

When Jesus sets you free from all the lies you believed about yourself and about Him, its like the best day of your life, because you don't feel trapped anymore. You know you can face the world again without the feeling that everything is against you.   In our time at Elim, Jesus really came and broke every lie that held me down and it really "destroyed" my relationship with Jesus without me even noticing it. I always knew my identity is in Christ but I did not believed it. He came and spoke truth into my life and set...
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Local Challenge Expeditions

When we arrived at Jeffrey's Bay on the 1st of June, we felt we had lost opportunities of adventure and experiencing Jesus in the nations- because we came back home six months too early. We were hit by the harsh reality of covid-19 regulations, being unable to greet our global community whom we last saw at the beginning of March. One thing we re-discovered is that we need to be more flexible and that God is using us in ways we couldn't have planned for or even imagined. We had to let Jesus drive while we followed in the passenger...
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The same lense, different perspective.

Covid-19 — the unknown to men, the known to God.   2020 — a year that we thought we knew the outline of the drawing, the colour of the picture, the game plan of the match. It's time for a different chapter. A chapter God already wrote.   Our journey is like a new movie. We've already seen the trailer of Global Challenge Expiditions 2020. We've  decided to step into the cinema to watch how our expectations will onfold...   BOOM! Our movie suddenly hits a climax — a plot twist no one expected. Scenes filled with face masks and...
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Vibrant Revival

Going to Brazil I was super excited to see what God had in store for us as well as Brazil. On our first day our team got divided into pairs in which we went to different hosts.   Even with a language barrier my host family welcomed us with open arms. In our week we have spent there we saw devision become unity in their family and we had the privilege of God using us to cast out anxieties and fear.   We really drew close to our hosts and they became family.   Throughout the whole of Brazil God...
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