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Portugal testimony :)

Portugal testimony :)
In the midst of spiritual darkness (Europe being only approximately 2% Evangelized) we stayed in a little suburb of Lisbon, called Massama and served in the local reformed Evangelical church. The people of the congregation received us into their homes with warm welcomes and hospitality – it felt like family! I have been here before, so it was great to refresh some of the old relationships.   Pro 25:25 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.   We brought some cold water to thirsty souls in Portugal and it had blessed us...
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Egypt & Israel uit my pen...

80 Days Egipte- Israel Jumpinginto GRACE Vriende Dit is 02:32am op Madrid lughawe, ek is stokflou, maar kan nie ‘n oog toemaak nie. Daar is te veel wat in my kop maal en êrens moet ek uiting gee aan oorlaaide emosies van oorstelpde vrede, blydskap en liefde! 80 Days het afgeskop met ‘n skepskop van die halflyn af en van die begin af punte op die bord gesit. Ons spannetjie is nou op pad Portugal toe en sal sekerlik daar wees wanneer ek die brief klaarmaak. Ek kan ampertjies nie glo dat ons die eerste twee lande reeds deur is...
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Sri Lanka - A lot about love

  Japan – Sri Lanka A lot about LOVE... by Johannes Wagner     What a day. Flying from Hawaii to Japan, we crossed a timeline which pushed us 15hours ahead in time ... Crazy! Who said time travelling is impossible?   In Japan we stayed for one night in a little town called Narita. Japan is probably the place I saw who is the most “culturally active” – they have a very rich one. We wanted to sleep at the airport, but they actually closed for the night! So we were forced to get lodging. After treating the team...
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USA: A God thing...

Los Angelas and Hawaii: A God-thing, by Johannes Wagner   We are privileged that the world ticket that we have takes us through some countries/places that wasn’t originally part of the set ministry countries: USA, Los Angeles was one of these.   We had this great “intermission” period of two days in LA to just observe and off course this is the ultimate grounds for a CHALLENGE (adventure race)...   We stayed in this really cool backpacker’s hotel, called “Adventurer” that has so much free stuff: Free breakfast, dinner, internet, airport shuttle service etc. When I found the place in...
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Cambodia - Hope Springs Eternal

    Cambodia – Thailand – Hong Kong Hope – Springs Eternal, by Johannes Wagner       The Bible teaches us that without VISION , hope for the future or revelation about the future, people perish ! (Prov 29>18).     In Cambodia you can travel from one place of Phnom Penh, the capital city we stayed in and experience complete hopelessness and upon entering another area, feel Hope rise within you. It is really a metaphor of different areas of our lives... In one area of our lives, perhaps finances we feel hopeless, yet upon experiencing love in...
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Guatemala: Sharpening the Sword

Guatemala a time of sharpening the Sword,   by Johannes Wagner We have been prepared to be prepared ... Prepared for Guatemala   prior to going there and prepared in Guatemala for the rest of the journey...   If we went nowhere except Guatemala, our lives would still have been changed!   We had an ACTIONpacked, ADRENALINEpumped, HEAVYduty, HIGHimpact time in Guatemala.   Our viewpoints were challenged, our perspectives broadened, our insight deepened, our capacity expanded, our lives were altered. We received Word, Truth and authority – we had an encounter with our King, an appointment for an anointment ....
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