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Wow, What a surprise! - Morocco

I am still on this journey where Father challenges me to focus what He is doing in each country. So we meet up with other workers in the field, to learn from them, encourage them and help them in which ever way they see fit. So I can just stand amazed and repent, thinking that I was going to change Morocco in the 3 weeks we spent there. The Moroccans trace back their cultural heritage to Noah's son Shem (at least that is what I was told). The Berber people in Morocco was some of the early church farthers. (So these...
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Niamey - Niger

Sitting on the back of the Hilux pick up (bakkie -afrikaans) I am often wondering why am I in this godforsaken desert? Where day time temperatures hit 40 degrees Celsius, and in the night it cools down to 27, maybe 26 degrees Celsius (we were told that the hottest period lies still ahead in April and May). And the fine dust just choke the life out of you.  Just to have the Lord answering me " I am busy in this desert" I was challenged by the Lord to focus on what He is doing in this country: • Providing...
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Stepping off the train, into the back of a police van.

We just arrived in a small village, far from any regular tourist attractions.   While boarding the train we already felt it was different, when the train staff come to see if these foreigners have got onto the right train. We might have appeared a bit lost.   The man behind me (next to Wayne) was very friendly and helpful.    When we stepped onto the platform, I felt like a animal at the circus. Some people stopped and stared, others were cheering, while some others tried in their best english to greet us, "Welcome to Egypt!", "Where you from?"...
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Sitting next to the road..

Sitting next to the road - Mauritania   Being left beside the road by the taxi driver, all 8 of us.   Let us start at the beginning.   Crossing the river into Mauritania, we had to wait for 3 hours for a stamp. We got our visas in Niger, but we still had to wait. Then they wanted to deport one of the team members for allegedly forging a visa. We showed them our receipts, convinced them to phone the embassy and then only after being scolded in a language that I do not understand, we could continue. But...
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Who am I?

My name is Louis, meaning warrior. I am a warrior, submitting to the Authority of the Triune God, God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe the Word of God, the Bible, to be the infallible truth. I submit to being led by the Spirit of God, and to be sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit.  I will be on the Explore Africa journey this year. Our team is looking forward to see what the Lord will be doing in Africa. I will keep you posted during our journey.
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