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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Seeing the beauty in the brokenness

Nepal a country that will see me again. As I walked out of the airport to the mini bus that is taking us to the church where we stayed, I had peace in my heart and knew it is a place that I would love to come back to one day. Nepal, devastated by earthquakes, but still you can see God working here. People hungry for prayer, healing and worship. A country that God used us through healing, prayer and worship. A place where our light could just shine brighter for Him. A place of many testimonies and messages. A...
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Lighthouse = A building that emits light in times of darkness Every year the kids of GLA go on a camp according to their team colours. This year I accompanied the orange team to Oyster Bay and Oyster Bay is such a beautiful place! It was a good time for me to rest after an interesting week, because the previous week I would sum up as hard and challenging but there was still a lot of good moments, moments to treasure. After it ended many had tears of relieve and joy, I was just happy because it was over. The...
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Dancing with my Father

Lord, You are standing in front of me, with Your hand stretched out to me, asking 'Dance with me?' At first I hesitated to put my hand in Yours and say YES. But I did say YES. And I did put my hand into Yours, but it wasn't easy or smooth, it was with a lot of hesitation. As I was putting it into my Fathers hand, I pulled it back much faster. It was more pulling back, than moving my hand forward. A lot of things kept me from putting my hand into my Fathers hand for OUR DANCE....
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