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Dancing with my Father

Lord, You are standing in front of me, with Your hand stretched out to me, asking

'Dance with me?'

At first I hesitated to put my hand in Yours and say YES. But I did say YES. And I did put my hand into Yours, but it wasn't easy or smooth, it was with a lot of hesitation. As I was putting it into my Fathers hand, I pulled it back much faster. It was more pulling back, than moving my hand forward.

A lot of things kept me from putting my hand into my Fathers hand for OUR DANCE.

- Trust

- Love

- Independence

- Pain

- Pride

- Heartbreak

- Brokenness

- How I see myself & How God sees me

- Fear

How can God see me beautiful if I'm broken, shuttered into a million pieces? How can I see myself as beautiful if I only see pieces of broken glass.

But God, You gave me HOPE, You encouraged me through many people and things to let go, so that You can lead the DANCE. I have put my hand into Yours and LET GO, BUT it's not easy. It's a struggle most of the days.

The dance isn't always smooth, sometimes I want to take over and lead. But then You remind me that I SURRENDER ALL and that I'm not alone. That You fight for me, that You LOVE me unconditionally. That You won't let go of my hand.

When times get though You will pick me up and swing me around the dance floor. You filled me with JOY and LAUGHTER and in though times I can fall back on it. You have equipped me for what lies ahead. I can fall back in Your LOVE, being Your child, Your daughter, Your bride.

An EXTRAORDINARY DANCE/ADVENTURE with God, my Prince, my Father. So hold on tight and don't let go. It's going to be fun, full of memories. God and me❤️. Memories to treasure and to tell the world. 

A RAINBOW - A colourful rainbow wrapped in Gold. Because the work that God do is MAGNIFICENT and nothing comes close to the splendour of gold...

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