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Challenge - Malasia by the Blue Team

Challenge - Malasia by the Blue Team
"Oh what tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" - Sean Connery We started at 6am and went from the Petrona's twin towers (where the movie Entrapment was filmed) to 273 steps with snakes and monkeys.  Taking pictures and running in the rain - asking for donations and then giving it all away.  Was it fun - ????????????  Only after you forget about your sore feet and legs and your stomach settled from the pig intestines that you ate.  Definitely enjoying it when the little fish are eating away at the dead skin on your feet and you know that you are...
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WAlk in faith

The thought ın my head as I wake up ıs - If you don't do thıs no one else wıll! I have not even opened up my eyes, I can not put 2 thoughts together ın my head, and thıs revelatıon ıs there.  He??????  A lıne out of a favorıte movıe:  The Lord of the rıngs.  Where Caladhrıa tells Frodo that carryıng the rıng ıs hıs burden, hıs task and ıf he cant do ıt no one else can or wıll.  She also gıve hım a gıft the lıght of her people:  her words  "may thıs be a lıght to...
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In April 2003 I was diagnosed with something called Endometriosis.  Doctors told met that the condition can be controled with the pill or hormone injections - but not cured.  I had the operation to remove the growth that was there and took the pill to control my hormones.  My hormones were too strong for the pill and it only worsened the conditoion rather than helping. The sypmtoms that I experienced were extreme pain and discomfort during mentruation, excessive bleeding, irregularity and spotting.  ( And then as the condition progressed - the possibility of partial to total dystruction of the ovaries...
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From Turkey to Guatemala

From Turkey to Guatemala
  Paul meet the Ephesian Elders  Acts 20v21.  I have had one message for Jews and Greeks alike - the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to God, and of having faith in our Lord Jesus. Guatemala was the all to do with walking in the faith that we have in Christ.  From the word GO!  Swine flu infested areas, witch craft, demons, deliverance, responding to the Holy Spirit, laying hands on the sick, the poor, demon infested, widows and children.  And going on a Luk 10 journey, trusting God to provide in your every need - and teaching...
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The first challenge

This is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wash 10 cars, eat 20 icecreams, take pictures infront of different shops, ride the super tube continiously for 1 hour, drive to the next town and share cake with a person born on January, spend an hour at the oldage home, spend an hour at the local community's primary school.  Go there at 10, be there at 3, finish before 6.  Needless to say, I had difficulty using my legs the next day.  But what a great experience!!! The people that helped us through out the day was an absolute blessing from God.  We heard the testimony...
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The Hand OF God

The Hand of God Its all a process, every step is a building block to an amazing future with our King.  Beteen all the exitement and different cultures, God is working - molding us to perfection. He has shown me His Father heart and also taught me about the fear of God.  His holy Spirit is working in me and I'm learning all the different ways that He communicate with me.   Sooooo Cool!!!!!!!! So in seeking Him - I'm finding out just how amazing our Heavenly Father can be...   
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The start of the journey of my life

The start of the journey of my life
Mariska Booysen   It starts on a train leaving from Johannesburg to Jeffery’s Bay... This exited feeling of anticipation is slowly coming to a boiling point.   I know that my highest expectations for this journey will be exceeded, for we can’t even begin to imagine what our God is capable of, and His work is beyond impressive and will touch us in places we didn’t even know exist.   I’m ready to feel the Hand of God in my heart and life, and to follow in His Footsteps so that I do not get lost on my journey  ...
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