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Purposed to Worship

We all know the very famous song; "It's more than a feeling"  and we've all joined in singing it at the top of our lungs playing some serious electric air guitar. But after 4 and a half weeks of being in training at Global Expeditions, these words have developed significant new meaning to me...   After a very emotionally active day, we had a nice worship set up for us, fairy lights and all the necessary things to create a nice "vibe". And I loved it, ybecause I was excited for wanting to feel God's presence because the right atmosfeer...
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Jars of clay

In old Jewish culture, people would put precious purfumes and expensive oils in jars made from clay. These liquids where used only on special occasions,  and times of high importance or urgency. But the problem was that these jars were sealed shut after the content was poured in, to keep it safe. So now the only way to get the oil out to use it, was to brake the jar open. There was no screw-on lid for use and re-use. It had to be broken completely to get the good stuff out. Kenya was our first country we visited and...
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Stubborn Love.

After traveling through Turkey for 6 weeks I’ve seen and learned a few things. I’ve met some really cool people and had some really unique experiences. Turkey was full of everything.  We’ve also met some really difficult people. Difficult to talk to, difficult to share with and some really difficult to love.  One man in particular, I was almost convinced of his intention to get me to dislike him as much as possible. Conversing and sharing our stories with him was inconvenient and loving him seemed impossible.  And quite frankly, it made me feel inadequate. Incapable of understanding why I...
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The deeper waters

Growing up, my father would take us on many vacations to the oceans of the South African east coast. And because of these precious childhood memories, the ocean occupies a special chamber in my heart. Being in it, whether in the calm, still deep or in the gushing waves, I feel an undeniable awareness of my emotional and spiritual self. Because I simultaneously feel so at home and so out of my comfort zone. I experience peace and fear, calmness and excitement, energy and relaxation, all at the same time. And spending our time between the beautiful islands of the...
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Accepting vs Understanding

The Lord brought me into the light of a lot of exposure during the course of this past year. And many times I stood in a valley of decision. I had the choice to let the exposure pass me by as an experience that looks cool in my instagram pictures, or I could grab it by the horns and ride it all the way into wisdom canyon. This is a pretty metaphor to describe the sometimes seemingly ugly process we’ve all been in, of struggling with questions and finding their answers. It’s usually a more painful and tormenting process. I...
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