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Venezuela Exploits

Venezuela Exploits


When i think of this short yet epic tale i am reminded of the words that The Lord spoke to me through uncle joe at the beginning of the year..." Let's go and do exploits, my girl" oh WOW what a little exploit this was.

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Living life God´s way!

Beunos Dias (good day) Amigas and amigos…

maxine botha WOW!  What a crazy few months it has been filled with tons of laughter and adventure, frustrations and prayer, long bus trips and flights to very interesting places, and as usual God has blown us away with His awesomeness. Here is a little glimpse into the madness. 


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Beggar or Son

 Our Father in heaven, 
 Reveal who you are. 
 Set the world right; 
 Do what's best— as above, so below. 
 Keep us alive with three square meals. 
 Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. 
 Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. 
 You're in charge! 
 You can do anything you want! 
 You're ablaze in beauty! 
 Yes. Yes. Yes.
The Lord's prayer (the message)

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