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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

A Mind Blowing and Heart Changing 2011...Bring on 2012

We come home bearing good news for the local church… that Jesus is alive and the gospel is spreading and infiltrating into even the most challenging of places through the lives of humble servants who are offering themselves as living sacrifices for the furthering of His Kingdom, and what a privilege it has been to partner with them...


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Compelled by love

Compelled by love
Wow it has been such an incredible past few weeks. We have found ourselves drenched in truth, confronted with law, and resting in grace as we spent time delving into the word, digging deep foundations for hostels, being challenged by our past and the hidden parts we keep locked up in the recesses of our hearts. I cannot begin to explain in words what it has been like to experience the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit as I just let go and let Him take control! But what does any of that matter if it does not change...
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In unity there is power!

Ola wonderful people!

south bound team with Qatar airlines staff


Some of us at the airport with the Qatar airlines staff

I’m writing from the vibrant little Ubatuba (which is the surfing capital of Brazil).  This place is breathtakingly beautiful and the people are so dynamic and vibrant. I can't even begin to explain how crazy this all feels, I seriously feel like I'm in a movie it’s so surreal!


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Let's go do exploits

Let's go do exploits
And so we are off!   Here we go! We go because we are called, we go because there is a need and we are willing to meet that need, we go to proclaim that there is only one way to a full life, a life of meaning, but above all we go because we are loved and long to share that love. We long to see His Kingdom come and we believe with everything in us that the gospel is the power to save and so we go UNASHAMED. We go to live in all the promises that have...
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Beautiful Barbados-Find Rest My Soul

Beautiful Barbados-Find Rest My Soul

My goodness what a place... its the closest to a holiday paradise that i have been on this side of the world.

all of this feels surrreal really, having met aunty Seeta in Guyana who gave us the keys to her house in barbados, we find ourselves 2km away from the turquoise waters and white sand of the barbadian beaches. Nothing short of AMAZING!

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Introducing: the one, the only, THE YELLOW (southbound) team 2011

Sup peeps,

So we thought that we´d give you the privilege of meeting the most amazing team ever (humility is one of our strong points;)). Here is just a short clip giving you a heads up of what´s to come in this epic year. Please excuse the randomness we are still suffering from jetlag

[video: 400x300] ..


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Let the blogging begin!

Hi there wonderful people! So as we are now officially on our global challenge (am actually sitting in Qatar airport near  Saudi Arabia),  and it has been about  7 weeks since we actually started, I thought it was about time that I maybe introduce myself and kick off the blogging madness…



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Walking down memory lane

Ola por favor! (Hello, please!) This is a common phrase used by Southbound in Brazil, mostly because we just don’t understand the language too well!


They say pictures are worth a thousand words and speak louder than words (or is it actions).  Well, either way, pictures capture the action…   So, without further a due, dum-dum-dum!  (That’s the sound of drama)  Presenting (for your viewing pleasure):  A short, Yellow team photo montage of Ubatuba – Brazil.


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Mission imPOOsible!

Buenas Dias (good day) from the thriving city of Bogota, Colombia.

Currently we find ourselves in the third highest city in South America found in the Andes mountains, 8500 meters above sea level, unwinding from two weeks of toiling and really applying the “getting down to earth” core value of global challenge.  As we begin to shift focus to our next crazy adventure to Peru, we invite you to embark on a short stroll down memory lane in Fusagasuga, Colombia.


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The difference between knowing and believing is a step...

maxine, linel, tian and elaine riding in style on a tuk tuk in thailandDon’t you just love it when words jump out of a page and breathe life into your very being and make you want scream at the top of your lungs …THERE is MORE TO LIFE PEOPLE! Welcome to life outside the box, “sticking it to the man” and “doing what Jesus would do”...

…drum roll please…

LUKE 10 journey 2011

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