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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

When I met Jesus

I decided to do a global journey because Jesus was not a priority in my life anymore. He became a back up plan for when things were not going right in my life and that needed to change. Last year I was working as an accountant. I did not love what I was doing at all and I became so frustrated thinking that this was something I was going to do for the rest of my life. This caused me to neglect my relationship with the Lord completely. I was depressed, frustrated and just miserable. One night I just cried...
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Honestly I am not a writer but I will just talk about what the Lord has placed in my heart and something He has been challenging me with for the past month since I arrived, in South Africa, for my training. I am an introvert. I love my personal space. People don't always excite me. I mean they do for like 5 minutes and then I am like oh my gosh ,what have I gotten myself into. So being at Global has been a great challenge for me. I am around people 24/7. Being around so many people has exposed...
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