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Ching Chong Cha.....

Hong Kong, the capital city of the world's most popular sport: Ching Chong Cha....
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2011 Hits

The journey begins....

Hi all, we are now at Alabanza getting ready for this amazing journey that lies ahead! The training is nice but i cant wait to go...
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Aloha, from beautifull hawaii!!!!

Written by: Philip Murray

The time has finally come to get a little bit of rest and just recap on all that has happened the last month or so.   It is nice to have a little bit of time for myself and to spend some time with God, if it is through Byble study or playing a little bit of guitar, I enjoy it alot.

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Malaysia where everything's HOT!

The temperature is hot, the day is hot, the night is hot, I'm hot and the food is hot....but Nic, you're stillthe hottest of all!


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Our God is an awesome God!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have sometimes moments where you will do something regular like shopping or watch t.v. and suddenly something stimulates your mind that makes you relize how awesome our God is. For example when you're walking in a mall and you see a little baby and the thought comes to mind how fragile but so unique that little baby is, or if you watch a bird bathing in a bird pond and you see something of God in that whole moment.  Well, I have now such an overwelming feeling of God's awesomeness while I'm thinking of the pass few days and while I'm sitting here in Japan looking at all the airplanes standing before me waiting to get airborn! The last part of the run way just before the airplaine lifts up is called "the point of no return". Isn't it an awesome way to decribe how a life in Christ is? How many of you can testify that since God began His journey with you, there is a point of no return in your life! amazing! awesome!
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India, what a shocker!


Written by: Philip Murray 

 If I think about all the thoughts I had about India previously, not one of them comes close to what I am currently experiencing...

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