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Building walls or windmills

When the winds of change blow, some build walls and others build windmills -Chinese proverb- Before we became a family we were all individuals living our separate lives. So in our forming a family our lives intertwined...but we all still came from different backgrounds. We have different ways of doing things, different ways of handling situations and different ideas. So when the winds of change blew we as a team were challenged. We all handled these winds differently. For some the winds of change brought about immediate adaption and they started building a windmill, for others the change was more...
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One body, many parts

"For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” Romans 12:4-5 NKJV In Nepal Jesus took each of us as individual members of this family on an individual and personal journey. Each one of us as members of the body, unique and different had something else to learn in order to make the body as a whole stronger. This was a country with many memories, miracles and messages. For many of the team it was...
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A collection of stories

6 months of traveling, 8 countries, 2 continents...   This year has been filled with different cultures, colourful people, beautiful landscapes, laughter and tears, interesting food, fellowship, family and valuable lessons that could never be bought but only come from a journey with Jesus.   We have seen prayers answered, bodies healed, hearts that have encountered Jesus and seen Jesus working in our own hearts.   Here is a reflection of our time up until now:   China: Here we built relationship with students that attend university through teaching them English. When words were not allowed Jesus taught us the...
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As family we go

Jesus was the only self-sufficient man to ever live, yet He chose to live, travel and minister with community.   This means there is something special about family. Since Adam and Eve left the garden, the whole story of scripture has been about a family on the move. And so, this is a story about the forming of a new family, undergoing training and being equipped for a very special journey.   The one thing that stands true for this family is that we did not chose each other…but God certainly chose us to be together. Two months ago we...
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