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Whats one thing I've overcome this year? This is the question I was faced with when preparing to leave Benin for Togo. Asking this question has caused me to look back at all the lessons I've learned though this years journey. Training ended with me learning that I can hear Gods voice and that He does talk to me. In China, Nepal and India I began learning how to spend time with God and rest in His presence, a lesson I am still now learning. In Thailand through going on a Luke 10 journey with nothing but the clothes on...
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No Longer Slaves

This year has been a journey of victories. One such victory is finally finding my identity in Christ. This sounds quite elemental. And it is; but it is also a huge victory that I celebrate. This journey of identity actually started 3 years ago, when the Father made me aware of my insecurities and fears. As an answer to this problem I tried identifying the lies in my foundations. Because insecurities are in essence lies in our foundations. But it was tiring work. And replacing these lies with Biblical truths proved just as difficult. I was aware of the basis...
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Out of the trenches and into the battle with the Lord.

At the beginning of this year I got a prophecy by Uncle Joe. He said he sensed that I was one who has dug the trenches, has been in the trenches and fought the battle from the trenches, but the Lord said it is time to get out of the trenches. To go up and over and into the battle with the Lord, and that the Lord will win the battle on my behalf because the battle belongs to the Lord. I can honestly say that this prophesy has become true. At the beginning of the year I was a...
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A collection of stories

6 months of traveling, 8 countries, 2 continents...   This year has been filled with different cultures, colourful people, beautiful landscapes, laughter and tears, interesting food, fellowship, family and valuable lessons that could never be bought but only come from a journey with Jesus.   We have seen prayers answered, bodies healed, hearts that have encountered Jesus and seen Jesus working in our own hearts.   Here is a reflection of our time up until now:   China: Here we built relationship with students that attend university through teaching them English. When words were not allowed Jesus taught us the...
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My worth?

As I stood knee deep in the Picific Ocean of Thailand I asked the Father for a new revelation of the cross. God answered in an unexpected way by speaking words of identity and encouragement over me, leading me to write the following: Because of Jesus and not because of me, I make this statement. All of the following is scripture based: I am perfect. I am flawless. I am blameless. I am so beautiful, Jesus has to look away. I have no condemnation anymore, but rather total feedom with no bondages. I can boldly draw near to the King...
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For the Sake of Family

Daily family life is always crazy and a little chaotic. A Global family life is not that different. Family life should be an adventure, when you add to that adventure, the adventure of traveling around the world with a lack of money and abundance of love and the adventure of traveling with Jesus around, in your heart, mind and character with the aim of ending up in Jesus lap itself freed of the unnecessary bondage of the world, than you have Global Challenge. We're the challenges come from is answered in the last sentence itself, if you didn't saw it,...
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Dancing In The Dark

Dancing In The Dark
From the streets of China to the mountains of Nepal. This was where I was taught that 'different' and 'dark' may have been studied from the wrong angle. People are scared of being different- People avoid standing out. People love to blend into the crowd with tame words and pedicured appearances. Keeping the gardens trimmed and neat while the living room is in utter chaos. People are experts in being moulded by the world. "Please look at the garden but PLEASE don't look through the window". Jesus wasn't bothered by being controversial or 'exposing' Himself. He didn't really fit into...
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One body, many parts

"For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” Romans 12:4-5 NKJV In Nepal Jesus took each of us as individual members of this family on an individual and personal journey. Each one of us as members of the body, unique and different had something else to learn in order to make the body as a whole stronger. This was a country with many memories, miracles and messages. For many of the team it was...
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698 Hits

Sharing Jesus without saying Jesus

My biggest challange this year but alo my biggest revelation was how to share Jesus when I am not allowed to say His name. Are actions powerful enough to convey Jesus? How do I show people Jesus in a place where I am not allowed to freely say His name? These are questions that I was struggling with for quite some time. I am a person that enjoys speaking to other people about many things, especially Jesus. That is the only way I have ever conveyed Jesus...through always speaking about Him. So when I got into a country where I...
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Seeing the beauty in the brokenness

Nepal a country that will see me again. As I walked out of the airport to the mini bus that is taking us to the church where we stayed, I had peace in my heart and knew it is a place that I would love to come back to one day. Nepal, devastated by earthquakes, but still you can see God working here. People hungry for prayer, healing and worship. A country that God used us through healing, prayer and worship. A place where our light could just shine brighter for Him. A place of many testimonies and messages. A...
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