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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

India - the final stretch

India - the final stretch
And so our journey comes to an end as we spent our last 25days in India. This colourful and vibrant country was definitely nothing like I have seen before. We spent our first few days adapting to our surroundings and soaking up everything New Delhi has to offer: historic monuments, spice bazaar, street food, and a multitude of colours and smells. It was a pleasant yet overwhelming experience. Soon we boarded a 12hour train to the famous holy city of Varanasi. It is considered holy by the Hindu religion because of the river (the Ganges - that is said to...
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The river of death...

The river of death...
Growing up next to the ocean, I have always been drawn to water sources: oceans, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, etc. I find the rhythmic flow of water calming and soothing. Watching the constant eb and flow of the ocean evokes the feeling of all worries and troubles being carried away. At times of great trouble I have hurled stones into the waves, watching it disappear under the foam, as a prophetic act that I give the situation over to God. I associate water with God's grace and enjoy watching my troubles be engulfed by it. Once released from my captivating trance,...
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Dehli tax...

Dehli tax...
Delhi. What an amazing city: Vibrant and full of enticing smells and sounds. Tasty street food in all shapes and sizes with chai tea around every corner and a great place for some souvenir shopping. Before arriving I heard about all the marvellous things to experience in Delhi, but there is one thing that people seem to underemphasize: the Delhi tax. You see, Delhi provides all these wonderful sights, sounds and tastes at a cost. It demands payment in one way or another. If you do not spend all your money or time there, then it will take what it...
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Halfway through Nepal

When God calls you on an adventure, you say yes. No asking questions or checking your schedule. Just a simple, no second thoughts, YES! So with one month left of traveling the world, eating what is set before me and sleeping anywhere, I am now saying yes more than ever. It started with a trip into the foothills of the Himalayas to a small Sherpa village. So with an 'off road' bus we traveled for 10hours on a gravel road and then some with a jeep or two. We arrived at our destination after sunset and were welcomed by the...
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The secret life of Walter Mitty

The first time I saw this movie I thought it was ridiculous. Who would merely dream of adventure instead of living it? And why is the possibility of unemployment the motivation to get out of one's comfort zone? The second time I watched the movie, I re-examined my own life. I always considered myself adventurous: in eating habits, hobbies and always saying yes to silly scenarios. I have traveled the world and done some pretty cool things. But it is only now, while on a shaky bus through the mountains of Nepal on the way to a remote village that...
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After getting out of our comfort zones in the North, we could not wait for some relaxing beach vibes in Phuket. Everyone knows about the island’s amazing beauty and vibrant culture making it an ideal all year round holiday destination. This of course was not our focus and we were excited to be serving our new host: Roeline Muller (fellow South African) who is ‘not a missionary, only a Christian worker’. This amazing woman has started a NGO called Asia Center Foundation that provides education and support to both children and parents from lower social-economic backgrounds in Phuket. This people...
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I really enjoy eating. There is just something about the smell of good food that awakens a joy from deep within and like a magnet I am instantly drawn to the source for a nibble. Over the years however, my body has changed and that wonderful teenage bottomless pit suddenly resulted in more feminine curves. My lifestyle also changed: less running around like a hooligan and more sitting in front of a desk working. With all these changes came some genetic health obstacles also (low blood pressure, low sugar levels, low iron levels) that resulted in a more controlled and...
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Luke 10: Where am I and what am I doing?

Luke 10: Where am I and what am I doing?
Every Luke 10 faith journey looks different. The single similarity however is the golden thread of God’s greatness that is weaved into each adventure. This greatness is often displayed in the provision, protection and extraordinary miracles God does through ordinary people. With the memory of my previous 3-day journey from Mthatha to Jeffrey’s Bay still in the back of my mind, I felt slightly nervous hearing about the next level of trust: 7 days (and 7 nights) relying on God to lead, provide, cross a pretty broad language barrier and use us to display His glory in a foreign land...
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The scavenger

The scavenger
The Global Challenge scavenger is a very unique creature. Without a bashful cell in its body, it can often be sighted at various fast food locations across the globe. Being well trained in adaptation and survival, this scavenger can blend in effortlessly. With heightened observational skills, it can quickly scan a room and determine the statistical probability of success. Having no pressing obligations and often time in abundance while waiting for a flight, this patient creature can linger as long as it takes to ensure satisfaction.  Often the experienced scavengers (dubbed the scavenge king or queen) would adopt an apprentice...
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The reason and the destiny (part 2)

There are few things more enjoyable than getting to a bus stop in a new city, after many hours of travelling, and being greeted by a familiar friendly face... And so our stay in Yogyakarta started with our global friend, Annami, and her posy of scooters fetching us one by one from the bus station.   Mental picture time: Imagine five scooters rocking up and lifting us five girls with 2-3 day bags each and weaving through the traffic filled city streets, to drop us at an unknown location, then departing without a word to fetch our friends and our...
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