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No turning back, no turning back...

2016 - the year of adventure, traveling and growing in faith. 1 year, 11 countries, and an endless amount of oppertunities to love and serve people. 1 woman's journey with her Creator to live life in turning back, no turning back...

I am not a dentist...

I am not a dentist...
  For the first time in almost a year I thought of how I got to this place in my life. It has been 15months since I started pursuing God with everything I am; just to find that He has been pursuing me my whole life. Back then I was standing at the beginning of a bright and promising career in Dentistry with an unparalleled ambition to make a difference. I was going to conquer the world, alone, one smile at a time! Now, many months later, I find myself on the other side of the world, hardly recognizing that...
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To the little refugee girl...

To the little refugee girl...
It rained today, the type of weather that screams 'stay in bed'. I didn't feel like going to the camp but I promised you I would, so I went.  I had lots of plans for new games we could play and I also promised to still braid your hair.  But you weren't there... I walked through the camp, expecting you to come running, screaming my name as you always did, but you didn't. There were no running footsteps, no waving hair and bright smile. No one eagerly grabbing my hand and saying 'come, come' to play a new game. The...
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Training... what did I sign up for???

  Day 40: The locals seem to have grown accustome to my presence and have accepted me as one of there own.  Thoughts of my previous life have started to fade and words like 'patient', 'dentures' and 'medical aid' are rearly spoken. Instead my days are filled with  spontanuous 'adventures' such as being abandoned in the bush for days and having to compete for food or being told to 'build a road' with no actual knowledge of what a road consists of (a fact that I have yet to admit to my new family). Despite the pressures of my new...
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The Promised Land

The Promised Land
“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 This was said to Joshua just before he crossed the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land, and it was as applicable for us as it was for him. With a truly intense border security (not joking) I found myself praying similar prayers to the first two Israelites who entered the country: Lord, please make me invisible and give me favour with the people. And He, being the same yesterday, today and...
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The river of death...

The river of death...
Growing up next to the ocean, I have always been drawn to water sources: oceans, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, etc. I find the rhythmic flow of water calming and soothing. Watching the constant eb and flow of the ocean evokes the feeling of all worries and troubles being carried away. At times of great trouble I have hurled stones into the waves, watching it disappear under the foam, as a prophetic act that I give the situation over to God. I associate water with God's grace and enjoy watching my troubles be engulfed by it. Once released from my captivating trance,...
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Old McDonald had a farm...

Old McDonald had a farm...
Australia was suppose to be the half way country pit stop where we have a break from crazy cultures and just work with some sheep. I could not wait to get my hands dirty and have some fun. In true global fashion it was 6weeks not knowing what I was doing or what was going to happen next. It was suppose to be easy but it wasn't... For the first week I got to relax and catch up with some friends, learning from them and serving where I could. We also had a camp with the youth from the church...
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Refugees and Roma

Refugees and Roma
  Macedonia - what a surreal country. On the one hand beautiful fairy tale landscapes with frozen-in-time villages, and on the other hand poor Roma (gypsy) communities and refugee camps. Our main focus for the country was serving and connecting with the refugees but of course we experienced so much more. With some experience in previous countries with the crises, I went out day one excited to make new friends and practice some of the Arabic I have learned. But this was not like our previous encounters. We drove 40min each day through the beautiful colourful countryside on the way...
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The secret life of Walter Mitty

The first time I saw this movie I thought it was ridiculous. Who would merely dream of adventure instead of living it? And why is the possibility of unemployment the motivation to get out of one's comfort zone? The second time I watched the movie, I re-examined my own life. I always considered myself adventurous: in eating habits, hobbies and always saying yes to silly scenarios. I have traveled the world and done some pretty cool things. But it is only now, while on a shaky bus through the mountains of Nepal on the way to a remote village that...
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The scavenger

The scavenger
The Global Challenge scavenger is a very unique creature. Without a bashful cell in its body, it can often be sighted at various fast food locations across the globe. Being well trained in adaptation and survival, this scavenger can blend in effortlessly. With heightened observational skills, it can quickly scan a room and determine the statistical probability of success. Having no pressing obligations and often time in abundance while waiting for a flight, this patient creature can linger as long as it takes to ensure satisfaction.  Often the experienced scavengers (dubbed the scavenge king or queen) would adopt an apprentice...
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Monsters in the dark

Monsters in the dark
  As humans we instinctively fear the dark and the unknown that comes with it. We often imagine monsters lurking in the shadows - watching us, waiting to attack. As children we have night-lights and soft toys to comfort and protect us against these monsters, with a graceful parent to check under the bed every now and then. Once we reach adulthood the monsters change into more realistic things to fear such as burglars or LEGO blocks on the floor, anything that could cause physical harm. Either way we still approach the dark with caution and heightened senses, ignoring the...
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