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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

FSH 101

Father, Son & Holy Spirit . . . The past 60 days have been an experience which is hard to put into words.  In my life, I never thought I would be able to learn so much in such a short time.  In my attempt – as a mere human being – to go out to serve & bless others, I discovered the Lord’s blessing stowed upon me – in abundance – instead.  God has humbled me to point at which I’m convinced that in myself, I am nothing – I am powerless to achieve/contribute anything in my own authority. ...
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Amazing Grace...

Dear Beloved WOW! I’m lost for words... The past 17 days have been amazing! Hard to believe that so much can happen in such a short time.  I’ve experienced people, places, circumstances & opinions which have touched me to my very core. I’ve fallen in love with God’s world, God’s people & God’s heart.  I’ve been blessed with new eyes. Egypt:  A nation in need of hope & salvation, without realising it. A country oblivious of the beauty they have been blessed with.  Living among the people gave me new appreciation for my beloved country, my beloved people & our...
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A Life Less Ordinary...

My application for Global Challenge, 80 Days Around the World, was a leap of faith… Faith brings Joy - Romans 5:2-5  “Because of our faith, Christ has brought us to this place of UNDESERVED PRIVELAGE where we now stand, and we CONFIDENTLY & JOYFULLY look forward to SHARING God’s glory.  We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems & trials, for we know that they will help us develop ENDURANCE.  And endurance develops strength of CHARACTER, & character strengthens our CONFIDENT HOPE of SALVATION.  And this HOPE will not lead to disappointment.  For we know how dearly God loves...
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