Not so long ago, I felt a bit lost, as though I couldn't feel the Holy Spirit as strongly as before... Being my Sustainer, and what I stood on, I felt lost without Him guiding me and empty without Him filling every ounce of my being. I couldn't understand why. I knew He was still with me, because I stand on His promise that He will never leave nor forsake me. But I couldn't feel Him at all... I knew that there was a reason, a purpose for it. I thought maybe He wanted to teach me something - let...
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Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
So far my experience at Global has been incredible! I have met so many Amazing people who I am beginning to love, brothers and sisters in Christ. A few weeks ago during a Worship session I was pleading with the Lord for a new experience - some sort of spiritual gift. I cried out to Him to give me something, anything, a vision, a prophecy, but it never came, only a silent voice from the Lord, humbling me and telling me to get on my knees and surrender all to Him again. So I did and simply asked the Lord...